Link OBD
The Hero of Light

Name: Link
Origin: The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Gender: Male
Classification: Hylian Farmer, descendant of Ocarina of Time Link
Age: 16
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, resistance to high temperatures, can swim deep underwater and breathe indefinitely (via Zora Armor), skilled archer, master swordsman (learned his skills from a past version of Link), holds a third of the Triforce (Triforce of Courage), can transform into a wolf, can animate and control stone statues (via Dominion Rod)
Weaknesses: Using the Zora Armor makes him weak to fire and ice-based attacks
Destructive Capacity: Moon level with the Master Sword
Range: Dozens of meters with arrows
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ reflexes/reaction time
Durability: At least multi-continent level+ (should generally be no less durable than Spirit Tracks Link), possibly at least multi-continent level+ with Magic Armor (it should be capable of protecting him from all sorts of harm upwards of Ganon’s magical power)
Lifting Strength: Class T+ (can match and physically overpower Ganondorf)
Striking Strength: Class NJ (is Ganondorf's equal)
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Master Sword, Hylian Sheild, Ball and Chain, Bombs, Bomblings, Water Bombs, Double Clawshot, Dominion Rod, Gale Boomerang, Hawkeye, Hero's Bow and Arrows, Iron Boots, Slingshot and Pellets, Spinner, Zora Armor, Magic Armor
Intelligence: Very clever, is able instantly to learn how to use new items and can solve complicated puzzles on the spot, mastered all the Hero skills and is a master swordsman, also adapted on the spot to his wolf body
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
