Is this the end for loveable Igniz?

Origin: The King of Fighters
Gender: Male
Classification: Leader and CEO of NESTS, human martial artist
Age: 56
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed/agility, durability, stamina, endurance, skilled in HtH combat and whipsmanship, energy manipulation (energy blasts, erect shields and gather energy from the cosmos), flight, mind manipulation and telepathy (includes granting inanimate objects sentience), possibly magic
Weaknesses: Suffers from a god complex
Destructive Capacity: Small island level+ (possesses the combined battle data of all competitors up to KoF '99 and disintegrated his father Nests in one powerful blast)
Range: A few meters with his combat whip, at least several hundred meters with projectiles, possibly interstellar with energy gathering (draws energy from the cosmos itself)
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ (possesses the combined battle data of all competitors up to KoF '99)
Durability: Small island level+ (possesses the combined battle data of all competitors up to KoF '99)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman to an unknown extent (far stronger than characters who easily surpass those who can toss heavy fighters like ragdolls)
Striking Strength: Class EJ (physically stronger than competitors up to KoF '99 combined)
Stamina: Very high (can effortlessly handle entire teams consecutively with little effort)
Standard Equipment: His sentient battle suit that is telepathically linked to him and gathers battle data, a combat whip
Intelligence: High; is the leader and CEO of NESTS that is an organization with resources surpassing that of modern day standards, a skilled fighter and likely has dabbled in the occult arts.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

-Idiom Blade: Igniz rises his arm above his head, gathers energy on it and then proceeds to throw it down, unleashing a row of purple flame pillars that travel ahead of him.

-Chaos Tide: Igniz spreads his arms, causing a pair of purple balls of energy to appear at each of his sides. He then crosses his arms in front his chest, causing each of them to fire an energy blast forwards.

-Brutal God Project: Igniz rears back and dashes towards the opponent, hands first. If he connects, he slams the opponent into a wall, strikes with his whip, crosses his arms in front of his chest as his cape to pummel his opponent repeatedly, follows up with a Chaos Tide and and finally finishes off with rising his arm above his head, gathering energy on it and then throwing a massive ball of energy crashing down on the opponent.

-Disintegrational Universe: Igniz summons a spell circle at his opponent's position to immobilize them, trapping them in a huge, black sphere with an image of a galaxy inside it. He then shatters the sphere to crush his opponent with a devastating blow.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses: