The Silent Blade


Name: Weiss (also spelled as "Weiß")
Origin: Arcana Heart
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, former member of Valkyria, Maiden of Sword
Age: 14
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed/agility, durability, stamina, endurance, skilled martial artist and kniveswoman/swordswoman, pseudo flight, summoning (of both blades and Gottfried), manipulate flying swords of various sizes, generate a cage of lightning, reinforce her own attributes
Weaknesses: Needs to fulfill a requirement for her to harness the Sword Arcana "Gottfried," although this is unknown what that is exactly, socially inept
Destructive Capacity: Island level via powerscaling
Range: Extended human melee range, at least several dozen meters with projectiles
Speed: Sub-relativistic+ via powerscaling
Durability: Island level via powersclaing
Lifting Strength: At least Class 25, possibly higher (can toss around Catherine's mecha)
Striking Strength: Class EJ via powerscaling
Stamina: High, can fight on even while heavily injured
Standard Equipment: Numerous knives and swords as well as the Sword Arcana "Gottfried"
Intelligence: Average; competent agent and very skilled fighter, but greatly lacks in social skills otherwise

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

-Rush Greiten: A rushing cross slash

-Drill Fliegen: Weiss' bladed Shoryuken.

-Group Greifen: A throw and slash attack.

-Set Miene: Weiss summons swords to be set near her feet. It becomes "Release Tatigkeit" when Weiss summons the swords flying upwards as projectiles.

-Bind Zahn: Summons a blade attachment on her hands.

-Rush Leich Reich: A low kick into a rondo. Weiss blows the opponent away horizontally afterward, slamming them.

-Rupture Centrum: Weiss rides a huge sword upward.

-Layer Meteora: Weiss rides a huge sword downward.

-Force Expansion Himmelfahrt: Weiss summons an uncountable number of swords which then fly into the opponent.

-Strength Gottfried: Gottfried appears right next to the opponent and slashes upward at them.


Notable OBD Victories:


Notable OBD Losses: