He's really confusing.


Name: Demon King/Lord of Confusion, Disaster of the North
Origin: Mondaiji
Gender: Male
Classification: Demon Lord (of 5th rank), Demi-Celestial Spirit, ape spirit, member of "Avatara" Community
Age: Unknown, around 1000 years
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman characteristics (mostly only speed), immortality (types 1, and 4), resurrection of body and soul (under special conditions), non-corporeal, spiritual power manipulation, invisibility, time stop, he can steal shit faster than your average politician, Host Master authority (limited possession)
Weaknesses: He's a very weak demon lord (he doesn't have such huge stats, bar speed), he can stll be perceived by children and his Host Master authority works only against them (and only against one person at a time), his time stop work only against those who can see him, overconfident
Destructive Capacity: Unknown (he's really weak and never displayed direct attacks)
Range: Several kilometers (through unknown means, he can steal things from all over the city)
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ (Izayoi was surprised by his speed, but isn't as fast as him)
Durability: Very small, but he's immune to physical attacks
Lifting Strength: Hahaha
Striking Strength: Nope
Stamina: Pretty huge
Standard Equipment: Scroll
Intelligence: Very huge. Although he's often understimated due to being so weak, he has proven to be very knowledgeable about Little Garden. Moreover, he could decipher His Highness' spirit status, something that was recognized even by him.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Demon Lord of Confusion: Demon Lord and ape spirit described in "Journey to the West". Evil spirit of debauchery with his spiritual power fortified in disturbance of states and disorder of the world. Arising from buds of doubt and depression, he builds nests inside the gap of hearts and makes sure that affected soul will keep degenerating, preventing victim from becoming "someone".

  • Invisibility: because he's spirit that only appears in the gap of children's hearts, Demon Lord of Confusion can only be seen by them. In the eyes of adults he's only invisible apparition, this, coupled with his tendency to rob things, brings to mind concept of Kamikakushi (spirited away).

  • Wasted Time: Demon Lord of Confusion takes out his scroll and proceeds to rob entire area of colors, creating monochromatic world where sensation of time is stoppped. It can only be used against those who can see him (so most of the time, children).

  • Demi-Celestial Spirit: Demon Lord of Confusion is in fact brother of Sun Wukong. Just like her, he was born out of star's crust with a sole purpose to be killed by his sister in order to complete her spiritual power, that makes him rather low grade Demi-Celestial Spirit.

  • Host Master: privilege to release inner universe and construct trial (Gift Game) made from spirit status of the user. It’s impossible to reject the game as they’re the very rules of Little Garden, hence one triggered it must be cleared. Originally, it was created as method to usurp portion of Last Embryo’s power and one of the few effective weapons against them. Unlike most Gift Games, his own is very limited. He traps target (only children) inside their own hearts and amplifies their depression ultimately taking over their body. He can only affect one person at a time (but that person can't do anything, moreover only target can read Geass Roll). If he succeeds then his soul will replace taget's own as a dominant one and body, spirit status and all possessions will be his. In the novel, he managed to steal Sandra Doltrake's body, but then decided to return it.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
