Destroyed utopia and messed with Dies irae because of his boner


Name: Mercurius (true name is unknown, but most characters call him this), Suigin no Hebi (Snake of Mercury - name of his Divinity), Dai Yon Ten (Fourth Heaven), God of Astrology, Mystery and Exoterism, Karl Ernst Krafft, Alessandro di Cagliostro, Paracelsus, Faust, Ahasver (Wandering Jew), Saint Germain, Albertus Magnus, Hermes Trismegistus, Nostradamus, Christian Rosenkreuz, Jehuty, "Snake", “Mercury”, "Pervert from Outer Space"
Origin: Dies irae
Gender: Male
Classification: Hadou God, pervert, NEET, stalker
Age: Unknown, but likely incalculable due to his countless time loops and vague memory (he himself remembers up to decillionth loop, but then he stopped counting)
Powers and Abilities: Reality warping, space/time manipulation, dimensional manipulation, causality manipulation, probability manipulation, soul manipulation, cosmic awareness and pseudo-omnipresence/omniscience, summoning, immortality (type 4), non-corporeal, avatar creation, magic, telepathy/mindfuck
Weaknesses: Marie (only she's allowed to kill him), Reinhard (his Apoptosis)
Destructive Capacity: Multiverse level+ (creator of the Shinza Bansho's multiverse, encompassing infinite parallel universes, dozens of higher dimensions and countless diverging timelines; he also invented concept of multiverse in the first place, as creation was singular before his reign and he also changed Throne into some kind of hyperdimension), far higher by factoring his Atziluth (he's the only one who can defeat Hajun at his strongest, but he must aim at the transfer of Throne)
Range: Multiversal+ and beyond (he can separate phenomena from multiverse into void beyond it)
Speed: Irrelevant
Durability: Multiverse level+ (and he's rather difficult to kill due to his specific craving; his Atziluth kicks off automatically at the moment of his death)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Immeasurable
Stamina: Infinite
Standard Equipment: Marguerite Collection (stock of imprints and lingering scent of Marie separated from the multiverse...yeah)
Intelligence: It wouldn't be far from truth to say he's the one responsible for everything in Dies irae, unmatched chessmaster, possesses extensive knowledge about mysteries of the soul and reality, he was the one who created Ewigkeit, which is pretty much manual "how to become God". Omniscient at the moment of his Atziluth.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:



- Vive Memor Mortis——Acta est Fabula: Mercurius' Atziluth, Hadou type, law that emerged from craving "I want to die in the embracement of Marguerite", "I won't accept this ending" and "I want start over". Management of Eigou Kaiki. His hope to experience unknown, thirst for freshness in his eternal life; nothing more than settlement to die in the hands of Marie. Realization of this wish is regression of time. Timeline interference beyond threshold of potential universes, craving ignoring chain of process and result rejecting any ending he doesn't acknowledge, even if it’s his natural enemy or someone far stronger than him. Triggered automatically at the moment of his death (naturally, he can activate it voluntarily) it rewinds everything back to the beginning of his reign. This's also the only way to restore Divinity which has already disappeared from the world. Law where beginning and end are one. True epitome of Mercurius, everything below is just a byproduct of this law.

  • Eigou Kaiki: Eternal Reccurence, universe of the Snake of Mercury. World where everyone repeat the same life. Boundary circle of start and end points, halting progression of civilization and eroding possibilities of humanity. All souls return back to the beginning, so winners choke with toxicity of their success , while losers suffer from infinite pain. Ghosts and phantoms are nothing more than residual thoughts, born from those wishing to be left behind. Some suffer from known sense. Law of near perfection. Diversity is the highest among all past generations of the Throne, breaking existing concepts where Throne was method to force own’s definition of right and wrong; thus Mercurius is distortion that rewrote this system. Extending his hand to multiverse and multivariate time, he acquired the largest territory with the longest reign. Due to nature of this time loop, Mercurius’ civilization can’t reach technology of Throne, but it’s still above real world.

  • Omniscience: with wish to “understand source of known sense” upon activation of his Atziluth, Mercurius acquires all knowledge in the territory of his Hadou, not realizing that it’s the origin of known sense in the first place; contradiction he can’t escape from. After acquiring this knowledge, Mercurius can freely use it for his own means, like crushing generation factors of particular existence. This works even on Hajun, but he can only aim at the assignment of Throne and possibility of pulling that off is astronomical.

    • Known Sense: side effect of Eigou Kaiki, déjà vu torturing minds of people. Feeling that takes away all joy and expectations in life. “Have I seen/done this before?” – eternal prison that keeps poisoning souls with Hadou of Mercury, images that foreshadow incoming events. Apoptoses and souls polluted by them are especially susceptible as it’s the first sign they noticed truth of about laws of the world. Just looking at Mercurius’ Sensory can overwhelm one’s mind with unending déjà vu; spiritual repetition numbering in trillions times over and beyond.

  • Mystery: long time ago, in a distant future, just when Mercurius emanated his Atziluth all creation, everything under jurisdiction of Throne was drenched with attribute of God, in his case, mystery. Nothing more than his slag, act of Atziluth is far too excessive for creation and byproduct of it is Age of Gods. Period of time where magic was used on a mere whim with far higher output than currently, castles floated in the sky, phantasmal beasts communicated with humans and wars were magical duels with such intensity that entire continents were sinking. Even natural phenomena was personified. Lightning was wrathful War God of Thunder, earth was benevolent Earth Goddess; wind, water, fire and other concepts were Gods too. Collectively they were household of Dai Yon Ten; herd of deities created by mankind’s faith and keeping balance in the Known World’s laws. Over time mystery gradually disappeared and after industrial revolution only one God remained. Mystery and arcane, now trapped in the cage of material world. It’s nothing more than act of repainting laws of the Old World, not unlike Atziluth.

    • Methuselah: Ancient God of Darkness, the last mystery occupying darkness of the Earth. Deity closest to the nature of his father, embodying his stubborn nature and pervertedness tenacity.

    • Giant Homunculus: it’s mystery embodying Prague Castle, created through Mercurius’ dreams about his desire to die. It’s a giant homunculus of steel, summit of soul eaters, being braided with love for destruction, existing for no other purpose than to carry out its raison d’etre of self-destruction as the backside of creator god. It was a trial for Reinhard Heydrich in Magician Hunt, carried out during Operation Anthropoid.

    • Gaia (?): stars are also forms of life. Primitive nature science calls mana and gin (essence) blood of the star, if there’s a pulse there’s a flow. Earth, water, wind and fire; they’re concepts of solid, liquid, gas and power (vis) respectively. Fire (power) is a bit hard to understand, but it’s basically energy. Everything in this dogma (world) consists of the above elements and human body is no exception. Flesh is earth, blood is water, wind is exhaled by breathing and living being exercise fire called life. That’s why witchcraft is science which changed over times and was replaced with common sense of humanity. As a result of the Great Game however, star became narrow. Reason for that is artificial network encompassing entire Earth. Development of railroads, routes and communications connected this side and other side and literally drew image of the new world. It resembles act of laying a basket woven with iron chains from above, not unlike cage. Thus, law of the Old World is sealed and mystery is being lost. Rejected by material civilization, concept denied as a mere superstition. Still, humans pursue unknown in their greed. All primates dismantle star to expose territory of darkness under blessing of the Sun. However, different interpretations conversely narrow their outlook. To this day, magical cosmology bares its fangs at the cage and when last fang keeping them will disappear, destruction will run out and devour heaven and earth.

      • Exoteric energy: magic uses different source of energy than oil and electricity. It uses lifeforce, concept used in the ancient science of nature. It’s not uncommon to use blood and souls of living beings. And among them, the highest quality is possessed by humans. That’s because human’s ego and desire is enough to surpass nature by polluting and destroying environment. Naturally, destruction of nature will result in destruction of mankind. That’s why they head toward their own self-destruction. But to drag out the highest quality of humanity, this risk is absolutely necessary. By embodying self-destruction people put their own extinction at stake, but in return they receive unmatched power. However, this power source isn’t bottomless. By extracting fuel from the core, it’s at the same time diluted and human can no longer compare to the great nature. That’s why squeezing magical fuel from human’s body isn’t too wise. Culmination of this concept is Ewigkeit - magical formula that turns meta-physical energy (soul) into fuel.

  • Divine Astrology: complete domination of stars movement. Regression of rotation and revolution is just a surface. This’s Throne of Astrology with powerful destiny management. Manipulating arrangement of parallel universes and ignoring chronological order of all phenomena, entire creation is but a stage for his screenplay. Just by manipulating movement of the galaxy he can remove target’s existence from its very source.

    • Meteor Rain: Mercurius converts one hundred million of souls into hundred of meteors and throws them at his enemy. Simple technique that doesn’t even extend to a single strand of his hair, but even one meteor is comparable to entirety of Reinhard’s Legions.

    • Sequere Naturam: Supernova Explosion. Mercurius compresses stars of soul density 10,000 times stronger than Meteor Rain, there’s no doubt that trillion of people in the past were killed by this act. After reducing them to the size of his palm, he releases them as a large heat wave of cosmic scale, surpassing unit of moment. It’s a divinity that killed Mercurius’ predecessor (Satanel).

    • Dura Lex Sed Lex: Great Attractor. Gravity anomaly occurs in the hyperspace, causing collision in the Zone of Avoidance. There’s no safety after facing this suction head-on, fate of being crushed is definite.

    • Aurea Mediocritas: Grand Cross. Stars of the Known World are arranged in the shape of cross, interfering even with multidimensional parallel universes. Great surge of power is generated after sudden change in tidal forces, destroying even Gods from inside, without leaving a single trace; bringing phenomenon that’s hundreds of millions times more powerful than in reality.

    • Omnia Fert Aetas: Elementary Particle Time Paradox. Mercurius reduces entire multiverse into elementary particle and sends it into time axis of past bringing paradox of two worlds existing at the same time. In order to resolve this contradiction, ultimate logic orders destruction of two worlds, removing anyone in the crossfire from root of all parallel universes and causality. Nothing more than deterrent force of cosmic unit; thus, showing great effect against cancerous cells (Apoptosis). It was originally technique of Ast from Paradise Lost.

    • Disce Libens: Dark Celestial Body Creation. Mercurius compresses all stars and souls under his reign into black hole which wipes out his entire territory and shatters Throne itself. At the point of condensation Big Bang occurs, trapping unfortunate target in the singularity. Since it uses his entire army it can only be called his synonymous existence and thus, can’t be resisted without matching his Divinity and finding end point (embracement of Marie) of his law.

  • Kamunagara: power vision of Hadou God, phantasm mocking existing universe, symbolizing God's Divinity and authority. Mercurius' Kamunagara takes form of Caduceus coiling around creation.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
