Claudia Jerusalem

With this name and game title you just knew she will end well


Name: Claudia Jerusalem, Metatron (Blessing of the Sun), "Angel"
Origin: Dies irae ~Interview with Kaziklu Bey~
Gender: Female
Classification: Half-human, half-vampire, Noah's child (albino)
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Light manipulation
Weaknesses: Outside of her Briah she's just an average human, her Briah is in a runway and she suffers from it too, due to long exposure to Sun, Claudia body is weak and won't last too long
Destructive Capacity: City level+ (her soul density/quality equals or even surpasses those of Reinhard's Einherjar)
Range: Thousands of kilometers (her Hadou territory is large enough to repaint scenery of the Arctic Circle)
Speed: Human level
Durability: Human level, possibly city level+ via Briah
Lifting Strength: N/A
Striking Strength: N/A
Stamina: Low (her Briah burns even her so she can't maintain it for more than several minutes)
Standard Equipment: Rosencrantz (her Holy Relic, in the form of rosary)
Intelligence: Average
Notable Attacks/Techniques:



- Date et dabitur vobis: Claudia's Briah, Hadou type, law that emerged from craving "I want to be angel clothed in light". Desire to create world where everyone will be blessed with the warmth of the Sun, wish of pure love for Wilhelm, way to teach him about value of light. Realization of this craving is the creation of daytime. Spreading indefinite blue sky adorned with silver sun; this law changes scenery even in places where Sun can't quite reach, like during white night. In such altar, angel can finally descend, fusing with Claudia. Everything in her Hadou territory is then graced with sacred flames of the god; white and silver, pouring endlessly from everlasting Sun, burning all sinners, from humans to Apostles, in its area of effect, with heat enough to boil blood, collapse bones and vaporize eyeballs just by looking at it. Heat will increase by coming closer to Claudia, at close range it has catastrophic temperature, not unlike facing Sun's directly. Similiar to Bey's own Briah, yet being its polar opposite, this law also has Gudou attributes by changing Claudia into angel. Activated without knowledge of Ewigkeit, she shows her unquestionable potential. However, desiring to grace everyone equally, even she isn't safe from her own world. This sunlight is released without malice, no antagonism, so even her own body suffers from its heat. World in a complete runway, soul of Claudia will be eventually crushed by her own craving.



Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Although it's not confirmed, many fans speculate that Sakuya from KKK was born from fusion of Claudia and Helga. As chunk of Claudia's soul remained in the Twillight Beach, Mercurius suggested that by hoping for it she will be graced with embracement of Marie, fulfilling her wish to become one with Wilhelm. There are already some characters in KKK that were created via fusion of souls (Kei + Beatrice --> Morei, Izaak + Rea --> Tokoyo, etc.)