The part of Fei's harem he wishes didn't exist

Name: Chu Chu
Origin: Xenogears
Gender: Female
Classification: Dotesque Chu-Chupolin
Age: 1
Powers and Abilities: Size manipulation (natural form is the gigantic one you see during mech battles, but she generally likes her smaller form), general user of Zohar, healing capabilities, wind manipulation, earth manipulation
Fei, intelligence
Destructive Capacity:
Unknown | At least universe level (fought with Deus' pillars)
Range: Unknown | A few dozen meters with ether, extended melee range due to size
Unknown | At least MFTL
Unknown | At least universal (can fight against Deus' pillars; these Seraphs are directly linked to Deus and Zohar, which would allow them to scale to baseline Zohar that can create universes and allow one to use the entire energy of the universe
Lifting Strength:
Unknown | Superhuman based on size
Striking Strength:
Unknown | Possibly Class Z (was able to go toe to toe with Achtzehn until it used its best attack; Achtzehn is superior to the gears that fought an earlier Deus)
Unknown | Moderate
Standard Equipment:
Astronomically low
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Smaller form | Giant form