Name: Iori Yagami
Origin: The King of Fighters
Gender: Male
Classification: Human martial artist, possesser of the Sacred Yasakani flames
Age: 20
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, agility, durability, stamina, endurance, expert martial artist, hands capable of slashing like sharp blades, fire manipulation, movement sealing, can enter Riot of Blood that increases all physical stats
Weaknesses: Riot of Blood turns Iori into a berserker, sacrificing sanity for boosted power and speed
Destructive Capacity: At least city level (became a consistent rival for Kyo) | Small island level (incinerated Goenitz in one ending) | At least small island level (helped defeat Igniz) | Small island level+ (challenges Kyo after the latter defeated Saiki) | Island level+ (helped defeat Verse)
Range: Standard human range, at least several hundred meters with projectiles
Speed: Massively hypersonic+
Durability: At least city level | Small island level | At least small island level | Small island level+ | Island level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman to an unknown extent (at least comparable to those who can toss heavy fighters like ragdolls)
Striking Strength: At least Class PJ | Class EJ | Class EJ | Class EJ | Class EJ+
Stamina: High, can fight on even while heavily injured
Standard Equipment: Yakasani Jewel
Intelligence: Average; highly skilled fighter who has mastered his clan's powers and martial art style, also an expert musician
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Yami Barai: A ground-riding flame projectile.

- Oniyaki: A flaming uppercut leap.

- Shiki Aoibana: Iori's infamous rekka starting with two rising punches and ends with a leaping overhead polish hammer.

- Shiki Kototsuki In: A dashing face-grab in which Iori smashes the opponent's head into the ground and engulfs them up in a flaming explosion.

- Kuzukaze: Grabs the opponent and pulls them behind himself.

- Shiki Tsumakushi: A leaping slash.

- Shiki Yaotome: Iori's infamous "Maiden Masher," Iori dashes forward and slashes a few times before ending in an explosion.

- Shiki Yashiori: Iori throws out sparks in front of him. It slowly moves forward, and upon reaching the opponent will explode.

- Shiki Yatagarasu: Iori's eye glows and he does one brutal slash that fills the screen with red.


Notable OBD Victories:


Notable OBD Losses:


Key: Rugal Saga | Orochi Saga | NESTS Chronicles | Tales of Ash | KoF 14