The Cosmic Emo


Name: Nemesis
Origin: Marvel Comics
Gender: N/A (has appeared and described as male and female)
Classification: Original Universe, Cosmic Being
Age: Unknown (at least hundreds of billions of years old according to Thanos; possibly far older)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, matter manipulation, supremacy over the mind (allows her access to all of the thoughts of every mind that has ever existed; telepathic powers on a multiversal scale), the soul (allows her access over all the souls that have ever existed), space (allows her access over all of space, distance, and dimensions), time (allows her control over time itself), power (allows her control over all the power that exists, ever existed, or ever will exist) and reality (allows her control of all reality, allowing them to decide what is real and what is not), incorporeality, possession, creation of life
Weaknesses: Massively weakened as a result of the disturbances caused by the sentience that the Infinity Gems had obtained which distract and anger her to the point she couldn’t tell the Avengers or Ultraforce were nearby
Destructive Capacity: Multiverse level+ (reality warped over two multiverses and merged them together; sent a Nemesis Wave across both multiverses) 
Range: Megaversal (easily warped two multiverses and merged them together; threatened to destroy the multiverse with the Nemesis Wave) 
Speed: Immeasurable (holds the space, time and reality gems as part of her being) 
Durability: Multiverse level+ via powerscaling
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Immeasurable | Immeasurable
Stamina: Infinite | Infinite
Standard Equipment: The 6 Infinity Gems and the Ego Gem that serves as the operating system
Intelligence: Omniscient (was the original cosmos and knew everything that went on within her essence)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Ego Gem Restored 

Other: Not to be confused with similarly-named characters such as Nemesis from the Resident Evil series.

Note: It’s unknown where Nemesis stands in relation to the First Firmament as both have claimed the position of the original cosmos. Both are virtually identical but Nemesis mainly deals in relation to the Infinity Gems and the Hell Lords (like Mephisto) while the First Firmament mainly deals with Eternity and the Celestials. As of Gerry Duggan’s “Infinity Wars,” Nemesis still exists in theory as the “Original Universe” that the Infinity Gems have access to but whether or not Nemesis’ position in the cosmology will be clarified remains to be seen.


Infinity and Forever Thing
The original universe as described by Thanos