Starswirl the Bearded OBD
Equestria's Greatest Sorcerer


Name: Starswirl the Bearded
Origin: My Little Pony
Gender: Male
Classification: Pony (Unicorn)
Age: Likely 111 years old physically, 1,111 chronologically (Starswirl was around when Celestia and Luna began raising the sun and moon, which was this long ago, and he disappeared around 1,000 years ago, and was trapped in Limbo for 1,111 years)
Powers and Abilities: Super strengthspeeddurability, self-levitationmagic manipulation, energy blastsforcefield creationtelekinesisteleportation, can create interdimensional portals, should be capable of casting most, if not all of the spells Twilight has shown, having created the vast majority of them, likely time manipulation (Canterlot has an entire library section of time spells he created), resistance to magic absorption (Was magically interacting with the shards of Chrysalis's magic absorbing throne without getting drained)
Weaknesses: Starswirl does not have a very strong grasp on friendship and his belief in irredeemable villains caused him to kick Stygian out without questioning his motives. Currently, this no longer a massive issue, however he still has a difficult time with friendship and trust, nearly getting scammed out of money for fake friendship lessons
Destructive Capacity: At least solar system level (Superior to Twilight) 
Range: Unknown, likely Interplanetary (Could raise the sun and moon with 5 others), Multiversal via portals (Can open portals capable of reaching another universe)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Superior to Tempest Shadow)
Durability: At least solar system level, higher with forcefields and barriers
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown
Stamina: Likely very high (Comparable to Cadance who can cast city wide shields for days on end)
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Genius (Starswirl is a master Sorcerer who created more than 200 spells, and should be on par with Twilight)
Notable Attacks/Techniques: None notable

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

