Yes. Her name can be read as "Mister".


Name: Mistel Valentine, Brionac
Origin: Silverio Trinity
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, Esperanto, Carnelian Paladin of the 4th Rank, member of Sphere Bringer's household harem
Age: At least 18 years old
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman characteristics, enhanced senses, limited reality warping, can shoot beams of light
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: City block level+ with her Asterism, possibly higher (can harm Dainsleif in his Planetes form reinforced with nuclear fusion reactor)
Range: Hundred of meters with her Asterism
Speed: Supersonic+, hypersonic+ reactions  
Durability: Wall level+
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: Class KJ+ 
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Seyfert-type adamantium spear
Intelligence: Pretty huge, she's far more composed than her colleague and for that reason she was assigned to him in the first place, unlike the rest of Canterbury Paladins she isn't blindly devoted to Yamato
Notable Attacks/Techniques:



- Tuatha De Danann Brionac: Mistel's Asterism, emission of light beams. Starlight with interchangeable diffusibility and convergence - releasing rain of laser beams against fast opponents and converging them against slower, but stronger enemy. Heat quantity of light beams is enough to vaporise flesh and bone on their way and Mistel can snipe accurately anything in the 100m radius. High rank in maneuverability allows her to guide trajectory of these lasers, negating weakness of linear motion.


Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
