The Stains of Time

Name: Monsoon (his codename, original name unknown)
Origin: Metal Gear
Gender: Male
Classification: Cyborg Ninja, Former Cambodian Gangster, Mercenary employed by Desperado LLC., Member of the Winds of Destruction
Age: Unknown, likely in his 50s or older
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, agility, speed, sensesdurability and endurance, can manipulate electromagnetism, levitation, his body can separate into dozens of parts that can attack individually, possibly have Stealth Camo
Weaknesses: He's overconfident and like any cyborg susceptible to (sufficiently strong) EMP attacks
Destructive Capacity: At least multi city block level+ (Monsoon is much stronger than Standard Cyborg Body Raiden)
Range: Human melee range, hundreds of meters via his electromagnetic power
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ (Mach 2000+, the fastest member of the Winds of Destruction)
Durability: At least multi city block level+
Lifting Strength: Class M
Striking Strength: Class TJ
Stamina: Very large (he's also nearly insensitive to pain and can fight so long his brain is intact)
Standard Equipment: Distopia (pair of Sai weapons charged with electromagnetism), red phosphorous smoke grenades
Intelligence: Expert combatant specializing in stealth and fast-paced melee combat, he's also quite a troll

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
