"Never bring a tool to a sword fight!"

Name: Jetstream Sam, Samuel Rodrigues, Minuano, just call him Sam
Origin: Metal Gear
Gender: Male
Classification: Human Cyborg (emphasis on the human), Former Vigilante/Freelance Merc, Unofficial Member of the Winds of Destruction
Age: 25-26.5
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speeddurability and agility, can replenish his power via absorbing the fuel cells/electrolytes of slain enemies, double jump, expert swordsman, vacuum cuts, very skilled hth fighter, has an awesome sword and theme
Weaknesses: He likes to mock his opponents, alot, Sam's body is almost completely human, meaning he could be killed by what would be just superficial damage to cyborgs
Destructive Capacity: Small town level (matches blows with Raiden, he also managed to barely cut through Armstrong's armor but Sam still lost in the end)
Range: Exended human melee range, at least 10+ meters with ranged techs
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ (Mach 2000+)
Durability: Small town level (took a few strong attacks from Armstrong)
Lifting Strength: At least Class M+ (physically comparable to Raiden, and can slam him into the ground with only one arm)
Striking Strength: Class TJ (can slash through Armstrong's hardened skin with effort, something for which Raiden required the same plus Ripper Mode)
Stamina: Very large (he has no issues with keeping up with Raiden or even Armstrong, albeit his damage soak is less due to his human body)
Standard Equipment: Powered exoskeleton, cybernetic arm and his HF Murasama Blade
Intelligence: Master of the Brazilian "Rodrigues New Shadow School" of sword arts, gairly skilled in hand to hand combat that resembles Judo, has sharp wit and sense of trolling only matched by Armstrong
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:
Nero (Devil May Cry) - Nero Profile

Notable OBD Losses:

