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Queue the boss battle music because it's time to get frustrated |
Name: Azrael, Mad Dog, He Who Carries Death, Deathbringer from Sector Seven, Genocider, The Tyrant, King of Atrocity
Origin: Blazblue
Gender: Male
Classification: Human (possibly), Member of Sector Seven
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, agility, skilled hand-to-hand fighter, can absorb energy and elemental attacks and redirect them, can place ''weak spots'' on his target and makes them more succeptible to his attacks, shift the very fabric of space around with brute force alone, fear-inducing aura, resistance against time manipulation, resistance to being frozen to absolute zero
Weaknesses: Has specially placed limiters to cap his strength, cannot fight others that don't have the will to do so
Destructive Capacity: At least country level, higher with limiters off (fought Hakumen to a stalemate, forced Ragna to use his Grimore just so he could stand a chance all this was done with his limiter on, implied to be one the strongest characters in the series)
Range: Extended melee range to several meters
Speed: Relativistic (can keep up with Hakumen and Ragna)
Durability: At least country level, higher with limiters off and against freezing attacks
Lifting Strength: At least Class K
Striking Strength: At least Class ZJ, higher with limiters off
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: His pimp coat
Intelligence: Skilled fighter, said to possess superior combat prowess to Kagura
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Azrael wants to smash his opponents, as simple as that :skully