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Quistis |
Name: Quistis Trepe
Origin: Final Fantasy VIII
Gender: Female
Classification: Human
Age: 18
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, summoning, energy blasts, elemental manipulation (of the fire, water, and lightning variety. Possibly of the ice, wind, and earth variety), barrier creation, levitation, telekinesis (able to call down meteors), dimensional BFR, petrification, poison manipulation, time manipulation (in the variety of speeding herself up and slowing/stopping targets), able to induce sleep, gravity manipulation
Weaknesses: None notable.
Destructive Capacity: Possibly galaxy level+ with para magic | Galaxy level+ (capable of utilizing Griever's Shockwave Pulsar)
Range: Extended human melee range with Whip, much higher with magic and Limit Breaks
Speed: FTL+ (kept pace with Ultimecia-Griever)
Durability: Galaxy level+ (able to tank Griever's Shockwave Pulsar)
Lifting Strength: At least Class M+ (should be comparable to the Brothers GF while Junctioned)
Striking Strength: Unknown, undoubtably superhuman to an unknown extent (she doesn't generally attack with her fists, preferring to use her Whip)
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Whip
Intelligence: Known to be highly intelligent, passed the SeeD exams at an early age and went on to become an instructor. Skilled in the use of a whip in combat. Able to use Blue Magic (enemy attacks).
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Laser Eye: Quistis fires a Laser Beam at an enemy
- Micro Missiles: Quistis fires several missiles at an enemy
- White Wind: Heals herself and upwards of 2 companions
- Mighty Guard: Quistis casts Shell and Protect on the party
- Shockwave Pulsar: Quistis sucks all enemies up into the sky and they are blasted with a gravitational ball of energy
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Key: Base | Limit Breaks