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Teana Lanster |
Name: Teana Lanster
Origin: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Gender: Female
Classification: Human, TSAB Private 1st Class, Enforcer, Mage
Age: 16 when she was introduced in StrikerS, currently 22
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, agility, endurance, durability (with barrier jacket), endurance, magic energy manipulation, projection, collection and absorption, magic barriers (resistance to physical, magical, time-space, dimensional, and environmental factors), auto shields, matter creation, binding spells, skilled markswoman, knowledgeable in various forms of combat, can create illusory copies of herself and others, invisibility, passive telepathy, search and scanning, extra sensory perceptions, can transform her magical artifact into daggers for close quarters combat, can sense killing intent | Can fire composite energy bolts, heavy-metal solid bolts or electronic guided bolts with Oxtongue
Weaknesses: She loses her durability without her barrier jacket
Destructive Capacity: At least multi city block level | At least city level+ (traded a Starlight Breaker with Nanoha when she was under a power limiter)
Range: Extended melee range with devices, several kilometers with projectiles
Speed: Hypersonic+ reactions/combat speed (can fight against Gadget Drones) | At least hypersonic+ combat speed with massively hypersonic reactions
Durability: At least multi city block level | City level+ via powerscaling, magic barriers make her hard to kill
Lifting Strength: Class 25+ | Much higher
Striking Strength: Class GJ | Much higher
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Cross Mirage, CW-AEC09X-2 Oxtongue
Intelligence: Above average, highly skilled fighter
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Shield: Defends from attacks by using an opposing magical power. Uses a rebounding effect to defend with.
- Round Shield: A basic Mid-Childan shield-type defensive spell.
- Multiple Defenser: A string of Round Shields to block and defend the approaching shooting or bombardment attacks.
- Protection: A basic barrier-type defensive spell of the Mid-Childan system. When used, a barrier appears around the caster, usually in the caster's magic color, and simply wards off attacks. It has higher casting speed, wider effective area and lower mana consumption than other spells, but at the cost of defensive power.
- Physical Armor: Creates strengthened material for physical protection. This does not mean that other types of defense don't defend against physical damage. Just the physical armor has no weakness to the Anti-magic effects, such as the AMF.
- Barrier Jacket: An extremely versatile and ubiquitous defensive spell that summons a magical armor protecting a mage from external harm. A Barrier Jacket is summoned when the mage activates their Device (mages who don't have a Device summon it manually) and is accompanied by a bright flash of light. Whatever normal clothes the mage is wearing at the time disappear until the Barrier Jacket is dismissed. Technically, a Barrier Jacket consists of both barriers and defensive fields (it protects the entire body with an invisible protective field). Like other field-type spells, a Barrier Jacket constantly consumes the caster's mana while active. The more defense the Jacket provides, the higher its mana consumption. A Barrier Jacket increases not only durability but also other parameters such as speed and power, so some mages develop multiple Barrier Jacket configurations and switch between them in combat depending on the situation.
- Jacket Purge: An ultimate defensive function of Barrier Jacket. This spell "unravels" in a second all the mana used to comprise her Barrier Jacket to cause a blast. It has a significant attack power and can disrupt binding spells. However, she will be vulnerable for a few moments after purging the Jacket, and she requires mana to rebuild it.
- Shoot Barret: A basic shooting-type spell learned by every mage of the Mid-Childan system. The caster merely compresses mana in the shape of a bullet, accelerates it, and sets it forth.
- Shoot Barret: Barret F: A auto-guided variation of the basic Shoot Barret, it creates an explosive, homing magic bullet that locks at the target's heat signature. Its greatest advantage over other guided shooting spells is its ability to automatically pursue the target (i.e. like a fire-and-forget weapon), leaving the caster free to perform another action.
- Variable Barret: The multi-layer shooting development.
- Stun Barret: A spell modified by Teana after the common stun-shooting of TSAB members. Its high-voltage neurostimulation effect can knock down the target easily.
- Variable Shoot: A "multi-ammunition-case shooting" spell based on an AA-Rank skill that few mages ever manage to master, which encloses a magical bullet in a barrier so that it can penetrate a field-type defense like AMF. It is said to be the essence of a basic shooting-type mage.
- Cross Fire Shoot: Like many shooting spells, several magic spheres are produced, fired and then guided towards the target. Although quite destructive by itself, the spell can also be used as a "restriction of enemy's movements through a barrage". With the help of Cross Mirage and cartridge system, Teana can fire and control more than 10 spheres simultaneously.
- Cross Fire Full Burst: A more powerful variation. Teana can produce multiple spheres similar to a phalanx formation and shoot beams out of them.
- Phantom Blazer: Teana Lanster's most powerful spell in StrikerS, but also the slowest to cast. Categorized as a "long range sniper cannon" attack, instead of a magic loop it makes use of a "target ring" and, when firing at long range, a laser sight.
- Starlight Breaker: To cast the spell, Teana condenses stray magical energy in the area into a large sphere, then strikes it with Cross Mirage to release the energy as a powerful beam.
- Starlight Breaker Phantom Strike: Cast by Teana to attack numerous opponents.
- Dagger Blade: A spell that makes an energy blade expand itself from Cross Mirage's barrel. The blade itself has about the size of a large knife and, in the case of an emergency, can be ejected from the Device. Teana stops using it after Cross Mirage's Dagger Mode is unlocked.
- Restrict Lock: Spell to restrain the targets within an area with light wheels, usually placed around their limbs.
- Optic Hide: A spells that envelops her and anything in direct contact with her in an optical screen that makes one transparent, hence invisible.
- Fake Silhouette: A higher class Illusion-type spell that creates single or multiple illusions. Even though is easily dispelled upon impact, Teana Lanster takes pride that her illusions are completely indistinguishable from the real thing to the naked eye and simple sensors. Several types of illusions can be created, but Teana's favorite are copies of herself and her allies. Still, it is a very taxing spell that requires considerable amount of mana and mental focus per image created, making impossible to sustain it for long periods of time. On a side note, stationary illusions are easier to maintain than moving ones.
- Shooting Silhouette: A "formation" of Fake Silhouette and pre-set Shoot Barret. Mixing up real barrets with fake images, it is more effetive in deceiving the opponents. It is originally invented as a confusing move to hold up the enemies and create chances for the combo attack of the caster and allies.
- Multitasking: An ability of mages (often supported by their devices) to perform several tasks simultaneously or to successfully focus on a few things. Due to this ability, mages can simultaneously read several books, or effectively fight against multiple enemies.
- Search: Mages can use the search system, they can receive data about the objects that lie around them. To show the information (usually an interactive map or an image from a specific location), one or more floating displays appaear.
- Scanning: Mages can scan the area around to locate specific objects or detect stealth and illusion (the time required for discernment of the illusion depends on the complexity of the illusion/degree of protection against scanning). As well as "search" it based on scanning of the electromagnetic field.
- Telepathy: A magical ability for direct mind-to-mind communication.
- Cross Mirage: Teana Lanster's Intelligent Device. His programming language is English.
- Artificial intelligence: The devices have AI, generally having the ability to speak, although their coherence and verbosity depends on the sophistication of their AI. The basic function of any Device is to augment their master's magic abilities and assist them in casting spells. Since magic in the Nanoha universe is very similar to information technology, these sophisticated magical "computers" take over tasks that the human brain cannot handle efficiently enough, such as recording and reproducing the spells that the mage has cast. Because of the very close interoperation between the mage's brain and their Device, both have to be attuned to each other upon the Device's first activation, and regularly recalibrated to ensure optimal performance. Intelligent Devices are Devices that incorporate sophisticated artificial intelligence in their programming, enabling them to have some degree of autonomy.
- Mana output regulation: In addition to computational capacities, the Device also assists and regulates the mage's mana output. Two output modes are available: "User Cross Link", wherein magical energy is constantly channeled through and stabilized by the Device, and "Direct Boost", where the mage's magic output is directly strengthened and accelerated.
- Automatic External Defibrillator: In the event of cardiac arrest of the master, the Device will preform an AED operation.
- Cartridge system: Allows the mage to temporarily boost their Device's power output by expending "cartridges", capsules of compressed magical energy prepared in advance.
- Self-repairing: A repair and restoration of a damaged Device, powered by its master's mana.
- Anchor Shot: An enhanced version of Anchor Gun's function, which now uses mana-wire. The laser-sight is used in pinpointing the target point.
- One-hand Mode: Cross Mirage normally appears as a pair of handguns, but can also be reduced to just one handgun in this "One-hand Mode". It is usually used when casting high-level spells or performing precise snipes. It is applicable to both Guns and Dagger Mode.
- Form Changing: Most Devices have several forms they can change to at their master's command. The two most common forms are the inactive and active state. In the inactive state, used for energy conservation, Devices appear as small objects, ranging from gems to cards. Additionally, Devices initiate an auto-repair mode (if required) when inactive, and will automatically deactivate if the damage is significant. In the active state, necessary to cast most magic, they can take a variety of forms, depending on their type and specialization, but the most common one, especially for Storage Devices, seem to be a simple staff. Some Devices can assume different active forms depending on the needs of their masters, though this seems to be reserved only for more advanced Armed and Intelligent models.
- Standby Mode: Cross Mirage's Standby Mode takes form of a card.
- Guns Mode: A pair of handguns with laser-sights installed. In this form, they are sometimes held in Teana's holsters.
- Dagger Mode: Bright orange energy blades extend from the barrels of the guns, turning them into close range weapons. In addition to the main blade, a curved band connects the end of the grip and the guard, protecting the knuckles. It has several spikes on it, reminscend of an oversized Mark I trench knife. The combination of one handgun and one "dagger" is also possible.
- Blazer Mode: A larger version of the handgun, which is specially designed for long-range battles. This form is capable of casting powerful bombardment spells like Starlight Breaker. Like the Dagger Mode, this mode was implemented with Teana's desired career as independent investigator in mind.
Notable OBD Losses:
Key: StrikerS | Force