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Has qualities of the true waifu |
Name: Kagutsuchi/Hinokagutsuchi, God Star, Sphere Riser, The First Planetes
Origin: Silverio Vendetta
Gender: Male
Classification: Planetes, cyborg, Slave of Light
Age: 1000+ years old
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman characteristics, enhanced senses, reality warping and space manipulation (Planetes erect spatial boundary passively and erode Earth's law akin to cancer cells), dimensional BFR, high-dimensional interference (Orichalcum acts as a medium towards high-dimensional energy and draws it without waste upon phase transition), non-corporeal, fire manipulation, nuclear energy manipulation, matter manipulation, can manipulate other Planetes and use their Asterism, immortality (type 4), infinite energy, infinite evolution through his spirit and Sphere
Weaknesses: Common to all Slaves of Light (see below)
Destructive Capacity: At least island level+ at the start of fight, universe level with awakening (his constant awakening with Valzelide resulted in destruction and recreation of the universe, Kagutsuchi is the Sphere specialized in output so he can probably be even stronger)
Range: Several kilometers (his weaker attacks can destroy Central itself), universal+ with awakening (produces so much energy that universe can't contain it, causing disturbance in higher dimension)
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ via powerscaling, probably far higher (was fighting equally with FTL Valzelide with his Sphere, but it's unknown how this fight went exactly)
Durability: At least island level+ (has no problems with detonating his self-made nukes near him), possibly universe level with awakening
Lifting Strength: At least class K+, likely far higher (he can rise his output infinitely)
Striking Strength: Class EJ+ (has the same convergence value as Valzelide), possibly higher
Stamina: Infinite
Standard Equipment: None
Intelligence: Very huge, he's the cyborg created by technologically advanced Yamato to aid them with their plans and knows how to create many devices of the Old Age, such as particle accelerator, and how to turn dead into Planetes; his brain is a bio-computer which can process and manage enormous data of Planetes; nonetheless, Kagutsuchi is still a Slave of Light so his strategies during fight boils down to smacking someone hard and if it doesn't work, smack even harder
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Shining Sphere Riser: Kagutsuchi's Sphere, breaking point of output, the answer of "victory"; desire to honor one and only enemy and continue epic tale no matter the cost. Thus, it's the ability which doesn't conceptualize any complicated ideas; nothing more than power which allows him to push everything from the front, worthy of those walking a royal road. Simply put, power of infinite awakening, infinite evolution and infinite expansion of output. Exceeding Sphere Razer's power by dozens, it's a positive "yang" which rises his power every time he harbors correct emotion as a hero and savior; just by admitting power of the enemy his output will rise without limit. Gushing power will ascend him to higher summits, where he will be able to vaporize Sphere Razer with just a breath, exceed any ability with pure output and ultimately force universe to shatter. In terms of characteristics, this's Asterism with the best stats in the series, none of the properties fall under AA rank (although see Other section for details).
Nuclear fusion: true quality of his Asterism. Ability which allows him to create and manipulate flames. Each one of his blows carries the heat of hundreds of millions of degrees, heat that will turn even the strongest obstacles into ashes. Ability itself is rather simple, but by combining it with his nature as a Slave of Light and essence of his Sphere, Kagutsuchi can create various attacks by increasing his output.
Hydro Reactor: nuclear explosion created by one-stage fusion of deuterium and tritium, strategic weapon of the Old Age which doesn't even need detonator. Aimed for practical use in 20th century, it doesn't generate any radiation. Its power is enough to erase Central and vaporize Zephyr just by coming into contact with it for one second.
Laser Implosion: putting diffusibility and interference as the main axis, this attack turns every grain of Astral in the space into bomb. It resembles dust explosion, but its proliferation is incomparable to anything else. Total number of explosions approaches 10^64 units. All of these contract in one direction, with no chance for escape. It indirectly fluctuates even the atmospheric pressure, crushing enemy from all directions. While Hydro Reactor is better in simple firepower, this technique range and hit ratio far surpasses it, as if it were cage of heat and external pressure.
Hypernova: technique unlocked after 1st awakening. Runaway of the willpower, wave of light gushing out from from his body as a rejection of profaned darkness. The answer Kagutsuchi acquired during his fight with Hades: what if tens of times of output difference doesn't work? It won't matter if the output difference is hundreds of times. Just like a child who can only move forward without pretenses. Limit breakthrough brings absolute destructive power, heat quantity is on a completely different level from his previous attacks. With just a spirit and willpower Kagutsuchi pushed back his natural enemy.
Collapse Event Horizon: technique unlocked after 2nd awakening. Kagutsuchi compresses enormous amount of nuclear energy to form a pseudo-star which creates dimensional hole. It's a "plus", opposite to Zephyr's "minus", that puts a crack in 3rd dimension and reverses it to oblivion. In other words, creation of a black hole. At the point where compression and expansion has balance, the star is inherently stable, but by shaking this balance out of order Kagutsuchi acquires darkness different from that of Sphere Razer. Gravitational collapse can capture even invincible anti-particles of Zephyr and trap them in the space between dimensions. Zephyr managed to evade this fate only by using his full power.
Degenerate Star: technique unlocked after 3rd awakening. At this point Kagutsuchi has transcended not only "weapons", but also "humans". By futher condensing his black hole, Kagutsuchi contracts nuclear fusion of super high density toward a single point. Mass rises further by balancing between degeneracy pressure and gravity of abnormal numerical values. Finally exploding after losing equilibrium in the so called Chandrasekhar limit. Star bomb freed even from influence of Astral, in other words, this's a true cosmic phenomenon, not imitation as it was until now. Manifestation of otherwordly law with a different vector than Zephyr's Sphere Razer. Big runaway of nuclear fusion, alias carbon deflagration-type supernova. It's a cosmic phenomenon of slaughter which at the moment of breaking the upper limit of degeneracy pressure eradicates all lifeforms through radiation in the range of tens of light-years, while at the same time causing gravitational collapse. Its firepower cannot be even compared to Esperanto and Planetes. Acquiring directionality by Kagutsuchi's manipulation, it changes into focused beam that swallows any celestial body on its way. Even that alone is a threat, but since it's a mysterious phenomenon of the otherworld transcending Asterism, it can burn creation itself to cinders. At this moment he's no longer Sphere Riser. At this moment he's no loger bound with law of the Earth. It's the apex of evolution that not even his creators could predict.
Cosmic Dust: it's an unwritten rule that Esperanto/Planetes can use only one Asterism, not even Kagutsuchi is exception to it. Then solution is simple, order them to use it, by channeling bio-information of Planetes into Orichalcum. Feat made possible only by possession of the bio-computer in his brain. Moreover, all of these are reproduced with Kagutsuchi's output, meaning they're far more powerful than original users.
Carnage & Period: fusion of Disaster Carnage and Glacial Period, two starlights that should exist individually show even more dreadful effect in unison. Black miasma decomposes everything to atoms and by acquiring characteristic of freezing it erodes the world by occupying parts of space. The advantage of ice is that it remains for a long time, unlike momentary explosions, showing powerful effect that kills upon simple touch.
Hive: Kagutsuchi creates immeasurable amount of mechanical bees which fly randomly at his opponent. All of them carry poison needles and capture their target without fail with their compound eyes. Furthermore, all of them conduct Asterism of Mars and Uranus, destroying everything upon contact and can even act as a catalyst for different Asterism.
Strayed: by coating all mechanical bees with Dead End Strayed, Kagutsuchi can transmit impact and effect of attacks to the distant troops, while leaving the bees near his enemy safe. Not only physical shocks, but even insurmountable power of Sphere Razer which brings destruction to all Astral particles. While it's an ideal weapon against those with linear and specialized power, those with huge AoE attacks can easily break it.
Alchemist: Kagutsuchi creates a huge vortex of magnetism by using mechanical bees and surrounding metal as a catalyst. The wave of magnetic field interferes with iron in the blood, disrupting intermolecular force, rupturing capillaries one by one and crushing body from all directions.
Keraunos: burst of blinding light, unknown product of combining radioactive light and magnetic attraction. Taking form of the pillar of light ascending to heaven, it's the authority of absolute extinction. Overwhelming convergence breaks through all defenses and magnetic attraction brings ruin to all lives. Everything caught in this simply vaporizes. Not even Zephyr's anti-particles can fully negate its might without converging them to the limit.
- Slave of Light: refers to being enslaved by positive doctrines of humanity: courage and love, prosperity and progress - desire to move forward without looking back. Although at first sight this makes them model for humanity, all of them possess an attribute that turns then into walking disasters, namely excess. Their souls brim with positive emotions, ambitions and expectations; endless passion causes them to discard any sort of attention to the surroundings, beside genuine respect for the opponent. Not only bringing an enormous amount of destruction in the world, but also causing their own bodies to collapse and meltdown, as physical vessel is unable to support this overwhelming spiritual power. With such a powerful spirit, Kagutsuchi could achieve multiple miracles, such as: rise his output (either spontaneously, when faced with danger or when his opponent is stronger than himself), break through limits to evolve and trascend boundaries of existence, stand up and fight when most of his body is crushed (cheating death), transcend the laws of physics and literally mock and ignore doctrines of the world. Kagutsuchi could also create biometal from nothing, acquire biological functions and free himself from the influence of Astral.
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:
Other: It should be noted that Kagutsuchi's stats reflect his power after fusing with Valzelide. It's unknown how powerful would he be on his own (although with their nature as a Slaves of Light it doesn't matter anyway).
It seems that without awakening his own Sphere Kagutsuchi has a different Asterism. What kind of starlight it is remains unknown.
At the 3rd stage of his evolution it was said that he was "freed from influence of Astral" and that "he's no longer Sphere Riser". It's unknown what does it mean exactly, because arriving at the Sphere turns one into source of their own unique Astral. This could mean that at that moment he became something different from the Sphere. Or maybe just author didn't really knew what Sphere is exactly and left it for the sequel to explain.