Planet Killer
 Simple yet effective design


Name: Planet Killer, Doomsday Weapon, original name unknown
Origin: Star Trek (the original series)
Type: Alien Automated Self-Sustaining Planet Destroyer Space Vessel, Doomsday Machine
In use by: Unknown
Dimensions: length:~ 2700 m (~3500m for the remastered version), diameter:~ 600+ m ( ~1150+ meters for the remastered version)
Powered by: Total Conversion Engine
Destructive Capacity: Planetoid level (at least 6 exatons) by short bursts, can destroy planets or even gas giants with long sustained fire
Durability: At least planetoid level+ (tougher than the Enterpirse), its internal systems require at least continent level power to destroy
Material: Neutronium (its outer hull)
Performance: At least relativistic (likely FTL), most likely possesses MFTL travel capabilities (it came from another galaxy)
Weaknesses: It's equipped with a relatively simplistic AI with set response to various actions (meaning this can be exploited after some study). The Planet Killer's "mouth" is also an entrance leading to the vessel's more vulnerable internal components (albeit it may possess some sorts of shielding given Kirk never attempted to use phasers and instead relied on ramming the USS Constellation while overloading its Impulse Engines)
Terrain: Space
Needed Prerequisite for Use: Unknown
Operational Timeframe: Perpetural so long it has material to consume

  • Anti-proton Cannon (its main weapon, also equipped with a tractor beam and a field to convert matter to energy)
  • Arsenal of evil-looking anti-ship weapons (destroyed as the result of constant battling for ages)

Weapons Range: At least tens of millions of kilometers (longer than the effective range of the Enterprise's phaser banks), many light-minutes radio and sub-space jamming range
Defensive Systems: None
Special Forms: N/A
Notable features: Extremely dense neutronium hull offering protection and block almost any methods to scan or indirectly detect the vessel, anti-proton beam weapon that can be redirected prior to exit allowing to shoot at some angles without repositioning the vessel, tractor beams pulling in the target via graviton particles, total conversion engine which turns consumed matter into energy for the vessel, has a dampening field draining energy and jam radio/subspace communications at wide range, advanced sensors, possible warp drive and mass-lightening technology

Notable Attacks/Techniques:
