Arcadia from the first anime series


Name: Arcadia
Origin: Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Type: Space Battleship, Pirate Ship
Captain: Phantom F. Harlock
Crew: 40-41 people (optimal, said the Arcadia's fighting power would be halved if they work in two shifts, although this includes fighter pilots)
Dimensions: Lenght: 400m, width: 290m, height: 160m (blue Arcadia) | Lenght: 400m (499m in other sources), width: 260m, height: 173m (green Arcadia)
Mass: Unknown  for most variations, the one in Harlock Saga was claimed to weight 215,000 tons
Powered by: Dimension Hydrokinetic Engine x 2 (blue version), Wave Motion Engine x 2 (green Arcadia and most subsequent incarnations of the ship)
Destructive Capacity: Island level
Durability: Island level+ (can tank dozens of hits from Mazone ships)
Material: Super Metal Alloy
Performance: MFTL (millions of times SoL, can cross the galaxy in a day)
Weaknesses: None notable
Terrain: Space, Air, Water, Underwater
Needed Prerequisite for Use: Knowing how to operate the ship, either being Tochiro's friend or overwriting the whole computer
Operational Timeframe: Unknown, the ship could seemingly travel for months without any resupply

  • Pulsar Cannons x 6 (mounted in two turret batteries, x9 cannons fitted in 3 turret batteries for the green version)
  • Space Buster (a large front-mounted battery of rapid-ifirng energy weapons, mounted n a tournable turret for the green version)
  • Many anti-aircraft machinegun turrets
  • Missile Ports
  • Depth Charges
  • Gravity Anchors (used to grab enemy ships, can release freezing gas to disable the hostile crew in the first series)
  • Blade Ram (practically a huge switchblade flicking in front of the ship for ramming attacks)

Weapons Range: At least hundreds of thousands of kilometers (possibly much greater), sensors can scan for many lightyears to all directions but if it's a specific point to observe it can do that even from intergalactic distances.
Carried Units:

  • About a dozen SW-190 Space Wolves (main fighter of the ship)
  • Cosmo Wing (larger fighter which also carries Bullet One and Two)
  • Space Trailer (large vehicle which even has a mining/refining facility, caries Bullet Three and Four)
  • Unnamed scout trike
  • Several unmanned fighters (used by the green Arcadia only once)
  • Seabike underwater vehicles

Notable Features: Enduring frame, has a pair of main engines, sub engines and even lower performance thursters to operate in the atmsphere, artifical gravity, anti-shock and life support systems, has an internal mining/refinery/factory facility to turn raw ore into useable parts, meical facilities, has precise analysis equipment, has many automated systems and the main computer is sentient and actually can control the whole ship if neccessary, the main computer has occasionally shown supernatural/psychic senses when it comes to danger to either the ship or Mayu (the shipmaker's daughter)


Other: for the time being this profile only covers Arcadia from the 1978 anime. Latter updates may cover many subsequent versions of the same ship.


Arcadia green
The "green" Arcadia