Mazone Battleships

I was never given a proper name but look, I have two color schemes!

Name: Mazone Battleship (actual name unknown)
Origin: Space Pirate Captain Harlock (first manga and the 1978 TV series)
Type: Mazone Battleship (duh)
In Use By: Mazone Empire
Crew: Unknown (at least hundreds of people)
Dimensions: Unknown (vary a lot due to the animation quality, probably around 350-440m in diameter and has similar height)
Mass: Unknown, likely hundreds of thousands of tons
Powered by: Unknown
Destructive Capacity: Island level (can violently destroy asteroids larger than the ship, can damage the Arcadia)
Durability: At least town level+
Material: Mazone Ultra Metal Alloy
Performance: MFTL (millions of times SoL, comparable to the Arcadia)
Weaknesses: None notable
Terrain: Space, Air, Water, Underwater
Needed Prerequisite for Use: Knowing how to operate the ship
Operational Timeframe: Unknown, they seem to be traveling for at least months without a stop

  • Tripple-barreled Energy Cannon Turrets x 4 (mounted at the front)
  • Twin-barreled Energy Turrets x unknown (against aircraft)

Weapons Range: At least hundreds of thousands of kilometers (possibly much greater), sensors can scan for many lightyears to all directions but if it's a specific point to observe it can do that even from intergalactic distances, capable of radiating a wave of energy which paralyzes people, has a tractor beam to pull in people
Carried Units:

  • Dozens of Mazone fighters of various type

Notable Features: Ship capable of interstellar travel, flight/levitation, sensors/comms with extreme range

Other: N/A