Prince Charming

Prince Charming... also a Bro

Name: Yuuto Kiba
Origin: High School DxD
Gender: Male
Classification: Reincarnated Devil, Vice-President of the Occult Research Club, Member of DxD
Age: 17
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, senses, skilled swordsman, sword creation (can create different Demonic and Holy Swords which have different properties), flight, immortality (type 1), shapeshifting, invisibility, teleportation, elemental manipulation, fire resistance, cold resistance, magic resistance, barrier creation (also serves as pseudo-BFR), mindfuck, mindfuck resistance, soulfuck, soulfuck resistance, energy projection
Weaknesses: His former hate for Holy Swords (no longer an issue), light based attacks, low durability due to relying on his speed, using Gram or other Demonic Sword shaves off massive stamina, or even lifespan
Destructive Capacity: Island level+ (despite not being a power type, Yuto is the second strongest member of the Gremory Group, just below Issei, also has Gram, the strongest Demonic Sword in the series, overpowered Grendel's fireball alongside Xenovia)
Range: Extended melee, several dozen meters with Demonic Swords and Knight Troops
Speed: Relativistic reactions/close combat speed (faster than Issei, one of the fastest characters in his verse)
Durability: Island level+ (took punches from Sairaorg)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: Class TJ
Stamina: High
Standard Equipment: His Sacred Gears Sword Birth and Blade Blacksmith, Demonic Sword collection: Gram, Dansleif, Tyrfing, Balmung, Nothung
Intelligence: High, skilled combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Sword Birth: Yuuto's primary weapon and Sacred Gear, which has the ability to create an infinite number of Demon Swords at his disposal, such as the Holy Eraser and Flame Delete.

  • Sword of Betrayer: Yuuto's sub-species Balance Breaker. It is a fusion of a Demonic and a Holy Sword. He received it during the fight with Freed after he "merged" his Sacred Gear with the spirit of his deceased comrades.

- Blade Blacksmith: Yuuto receives it from the spirit of one of his lost comrades. It has the ability to create numerous Holy Swords of different attributes. He gain It in the events of Volume 3 (it was not revealed until Volume 10).

  • Glory Drag Trooper: Yuuto's second sub-species Balance Breaker and It creates an army of Dragon Knights which he uses to fight Beruka Furcas. Yuuto, however, cannot use both Balance Breaker's at the same time so he can only choose to use either the Sword of Betrayer or Glory Drag Trooper.


- Demon Swords: During and after the battle with Siegfried, Yuuto gained possesion of Demon Swords previously owned by Siegfried.

  • Gram: Also known as the Sword of the Sun, it is the strongest Demon Sword. Known as the Demonic Emperor Sword, it is a Dragon Slayer sword with the destructive power of the Holy Sword Durandal, which causes Yuuto to compare it to a combination of Ascalon and Durandal, but does not need to be charged to do destructive attacks, which Yuuto thought meant it was "more" powerful than Durandal and is sharper than the Holy Demonic Sword he creates.
  • Balmung: A Demon Sword from Norse mythology with a drill-like aura. It is capable of creating powerful whirlwinds.
  • Nothung: A Demon Sword that can rip through space-time.
  • Tyrfing: A Demon Sword that can create craters.
  • Dáinsleif: A Demon Sword that creates huge pillars of ice from the ground.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
