
Name: Sin
Origin: Final Fantasy X
Gender: Varies; can be male or female depending upon which Final Aeon is it's core
Classification: Yu Yevon's Pyrefly Armor
Age: 1000 years as a concept, varies depending on the incarnation in terms of physical age
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magic, flight and levitation, gravity manipulationelemental manipulation (of the fire, ice, lightning, and water variety), barrier creation, regeneration (mid-high; takes an unspecified amount of time [though implied to be generally less than a year] to reform after the Final Aeon defeats it.  Due to the nature of its creation, regeneration likely requires an atmosphere saturated with Pyreflies), petrification, life creation (uses pyreflies from itself to form Fiends called "Sin Spawn")
Weaknesses: Hymn of the Fayth (at least with Jecht actively resisting Sin's destructive impulses)
Destructive Capacity: Small planet level (Giga Graviton showcased this level of power) | Small planet level+
Range: Thousands of kilometers

Speed: Hypersonic+ flight speed (about as fast as the Fahrenheit), FTL+ reflexes/reaction time (given Braska's Final Aeon is it's core, it's reaction time should be comparable while Jecht's not offering resistance)
Durability: Small planet level (the power of the Final Aeon [a peer of Sin] is generally required to reliably "pierce" Sin)
Lifting Strength: Class E+ (much stronger than the party that is able to withstand the monsterous increase in gravity Giga Graviton generates from several kilometers away)
Striking Strength: Class NJ+ (comparable to the Final Aeon)
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Mindless, appears to operate purely on an instinctual level once its core (the previous Final Aeon) has been fully absorbed by Sin
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Giga Graviton: Sin's Overdrive.  It's essentially high level projectile gravity magic that, while being charged, generates a gravity field that can even pull in large objects (extinction level meteor sized moon rocks as an example) from thousands of kilometers away.

- Gravija: High level gravity magic (though lesser than Giga Graviton).

- Negation: Dispels positive status enhancements.

- Petrify Gaze: Causes petrification.

- Sinspawn: They are creatures born from the gargantuan beast Sin. Sin can use these as enemies to wear down the opponent.

  • Sinspawn Ammes - (a large anemone-like creature)
  • Sinspawn Echuilles - (a jellyfish-like beast)
  • Sinspawn Geneaux - (a shelled plantlike monster with large tentacles)
  • Sinspawn Gui - (a large armored arthopodic collative)
  • Sinspawn Genais - (a pallet-swap of Sinspawn Geneaux)
  • Sinscales - A small, weak sinspawn.

Notable OBD Victories:

- Ganishka (Berserk) - Ganishka Profile

Notable OBD Losses:

- Godzilla (Godzilla) - Godzilla Profile
- Kefka (Final Fantasy VI) - Kefka Profile


Overdrive Sin
Overdrive Sin

Key: Base | Overdrive