Musubi Susono Blame! OBD
Musubi Susono, detective turned cyborg

Name: Musubi Susono
Origin: Blame! (Although she only appears in the prequel, NOiSE)
Gender: Female
Classification: Cyborg/Robot
Age: Unknown (Looks like she's in her early 20's)
Powers and Abilities: Super speed, durability, and strength, energy blasts.
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: City block level+
Speed: Relativistic reaction time, faster than the eye can follow movement
Durability: Multi city block level to city level+
Strength: Unknown
Standard Equipment: A gravitational beam emitter
Intelligence: Average human
Notable Attacks/Techniques: None
Notable OBD Victories:
Notable OBD Losses:

Musubi with her armor active.
Musubi with her armor active.