The Father of SNK Boss Syndrome

Name: Rugal Bernstein
Origin: The King of Fighters
Gender: Male
Classification: Human, martial artist, cartel leader
Age: Likely in his 50's
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, agility, durability, stamina, endurance, expert martial artist, chi manipulation (project energy blasts, focus his physical capabilities in short bursts, sense chi in others, gather chi from his environment, give his limbs slashing capabilities, generate a reflector shield and manifest his hatred as negative chi), can mimic any martial arts and chi based techniques, cybernetic enhancements | Same as in base, but enhanced as well as limited electricity and gravity manipulation, can poison his victims with Orochi Power
Weaknesses: Sadistic, overconfident and holds back against opponents below his level | Overuse of Orochi Power can completely consumes his body
Destructive Capacity: City level (superior to most of KoF '94 and '95) | At least city level (easily above base)
Range: Standard human melee range, at least several dozen meters with projectiles
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ (superior to most of KoF '94 and '95) | Massively hypersonic+ (should be faster than in base)
Durability: City level (superior to most of the KoF '94 and '95) | At least city level (easily above base)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman to an unknown extent (superior to those who can toss around heavy fighters like ragdolls)
Striking Strength: Class PJ | At least Class PJ
Stamina: Superhuman (has fought many skilled superhuman martial artists consecutively in his own tournament before Kyo could finally wear him down)
Standard Equipment: The Black Noah, knock-out gas and a plethora of arms on board
Intelligence: Gifted; he leads an international drugs and arms dealing organization who secretly holds dangerously powerful influence over global politics relying on manipulation to have things his way. Also a highly skilled and experience martial artist who has been known to copy martial arts and chi techniques merely from observing them.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

-Reppu Ken: Adapted from Geese Howard. Flings a blade of wind energy onto the ground, which then proceeds to speed forward.

-Kaiser Wave: Adapted from Wolfgang Krauser. Rears back a bit while charging energy, then fires a massive wave of chi almost as tall as Rugal himself.

-Genocide Cutter: Rugal leaps into the air while using his leg to create an arc of orange chi around himself.

-Dark Barrier: Rugal creates a shield of green chi in front of himself. Can reflect projectiles.

-God Press: May have been adapted from Mature's Heaven's Gate. Rugal dashes forward with his arm outstretched. If he hits successfully, he keeps dashing to the opposite wall, slamming his opponent into it.

-Gigantic Pressure: Essentially an upgraded God Press. His hand is suffused with dark power, and the ending wall slam includes his foe being blasted by a column of metallic white Orochi death energy. In the SDM version, he does two charges in a row, and the Orochi energy released is blood-red.

-Dead End Screamer: Rugal leaps toward his opponent. On impact, he stands with his feet on either side of his opponent's neck, twists a little, then smashes his opponent to the ground while spinning at high speed.

-God End: Widely-regarded as Rugal's ultimate and most deadly attack, he lashes out and attempts to impale his opponent with his hand. On contact, he lifts them up into the air as a violent explosion of blood-red Orochi energy bursts around him, engulfing the opponent over and over again, until the final pulse blows them skyward.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Base Rugal | Omega Rugal