Geese Howard
Origin: The King of Fighters/Fatal Fury
Gender: Male
Classification: CEO of Howard Connection, crimelord, human martial artist
Age: Mid 40's
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed/agility, durability, stamina, endurance, expert martial artist, chi manipulation (energy projection, gather energy from the environment and can sense the presence of others), electricity manipulation
Weaknesses: Lusts for power
Destructive Capacity: Small city level+ via powerscaling
Range: Standard human range, at least hundreds of meters with projectiles, likely higher with lightning
Speed: Massively hypersonic via powerscaling
Durability: Small city level+ via powerscaling
Lifting Strength: Superhuman to an unknown extent (comparable to those who can toss heavy fighters like ragdolls)
Striking Strength: Class PJ via powerscaling
Stamina: High, can fight on even while heavily injured
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Gifted; is a successful CEO of Howard Connection who cunningly uses this and his position of police commissioner as a front to cover his activity as an organized crimelord, a skilled manipulator to achieve his ends, very skilled in various martial arts and is quite versed in cross-cultures.
 Notable Attacks/Techniques:
-Atemi Nage: Geese's multi-directional counter.
-Evil Shadow Smasher: Charging blows.
-Hisho Nichirin Zan: Geese rises into the air then slashes downwards. Like Terry's Power Dunk.
-Katate Nage: After holding the opponent up by their throat, Geese slams them behind.
-Raising Storm / Raging Storm: Geese thrusts his hands to the floor, erecting a cage of energy about himself.
-Reppu Ken: Traditionally, the weak version produces a single Reppu Ken; in the hard version Geese combines two for a larger Double Reppu Ken.

-Deadly Rave: Geese rushes at his opponent to unleash a rapid fury of combination strikes before knocking them away with a double-palm thrust energy blast.
-Shinkuu Nage: Geese's signature backwards toss, with circular arm-rotation flourish.
-Shippu Ken: An angled air fireball.
Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses: