
















Name: Percy Jackson
Origin: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Gender: Male
Classification: Half-blood, Greek demigod
Age: 18 (Current)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, agility, enhanced senses, immortality (type 4), limited clairvoyance, elemental manipulation, able to cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (although he has poor control), can call forth storms and hurricanes (to an unknown extend), water manipulation (can alter the shape and density of water, being in contact with water enhances his powers considerably), able to freely breathe and live underwater
Weaknesses: He's vulnerable at a small spot on his back. His Fatal Flaw: excessive personal loyalty
Destructive Capacity: Island level
Range: Extended melee range
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ (Jason was able to deflect a bolt of lightning at close range), probably relativistic on water (reacted to and deflected attacks from Hyperion, Titan of Light: although this feat is arguable)
Durability: Island level
Lifting Strength: Class E (held up the sky for a slotted amount of time after taking the burden from Artemis so she could fight Atlas), being in contact with water greatly enhances his strength
Striking Strength:
Class EJ (able to withstand and parry blows from the Titans Hyperion and Kratos), being in contact with water greatly enhances his strength
Stamina: Superhuman+, higher when in contact with water
Standard Equipment: His sword Anaklusmos or also known as Riptide (a ballpoint pen that transforms into a 3 foot tall sword, only harms supernatural beings but can even affect beings far stronger than Percy himself, such as Ares)
Intelligence: Pretty intelligent, is able to effectively command a group of 40+ Demigods, although he tends to be oblivious at times.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
