Your not so everyday Elvis impersonator
Your not so everyday Elvis impersonator

Name: Etemon
OriginDigimon Adventure
Gender: Male
Classification: Monkey Puppet Digimon
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, telepathy, energy blasts, and can depower other Digimon with his song
Weaknesses: Can often become frustrated when people fail to acknowledge his over-inflated ego.
Destructive Capacity: At least country level+ (superior to Devimon, who split apart File Island) | Country level+
Range: Average human melee range, several dozen meters when he is fused with the Dark Network
Speed: At least hypersonic+
Durability: At least country level+ | Country level+
Striking Strength: Class ZJ+ (capable of hurting others within his own evolution level with punches)
Stamina: Large
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: A leader of a bunch of Digimon and has knowledge of the Dark Network.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Concert Crush: Plays his guitar and sings, either dedigivolving enemy Digimon in hearing range, or damaging them badly

- Dark Network: Fires dark energy blasts from his guitar, or sends out network cords to control electronics, trap enemies or pinpoint an enemy's location. This attack can destroy parts of mountains.

- Dark Solo: Fires a blast of dark energy from his fist.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


This profile deals with Etemon from Digimon Adventure also known as Digimon Season 1.

Key: Etemon | Dark Network Etemon

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