Kaiju - DBZ Style

Name: Hirudegarn, Hildegarn
Origin: Dragon Ball Movies
Gender: Unknown, appears to be male
Classification: Phantom beast
Age: Thousands of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, super speed, durability, flight, various ki attacks, can absorb people's energy with his tail, transformations, logia intangibility via his mist form, teleportation, and fire element manipulation
Weaknesses: The melody from a certain ocarina can subdue him somewhat
Destructive Capacity: Solar system level+ (able to easily defeat the likes of Ultimate Gohan and SSJ3 Gotenks)
Range: At least one planetary diameter
Speed: Massively FTL+
Durability: Solar system level+
Lifting Strength: Class G+ at minimum
Striking Strength: Class XPJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: A monster that was created on Planet Konats in the Southern Galaxy before getting sealed away, and just acts on instinct like a wild animal.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Chou Makousen: Lets out a massive energy beam from the mouth.

- Fire Ball: Spits out bolts of powerful, blazing fireballs.

- Life Drain: Hirudegarn can absorb people's energy with his tail, much like Cell can do.

- Mist: Hirudegarn can turn into a mist to prevent damage and reappear in front of the enemy for a surprise attack. The technique can only be bypassed when Hirudegan is attacking, which makes him briefly tangible.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
