The O
The O

Name: The O
Serial Number: PMX-003
Origin: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Classification: Prototype Mobile Suit, Real Robo
Height: 24.8 meters (head height), 28.4 meters (overall height)
Mass: 57.3 tons (empty, 86.3 tons maximum, realistically should be 5-10 times heavier)
Pilot: Paptimus Scirocco
Needed Prerequisite for Use: To make use of its Bio-Sensor system, one must be a potent Newtype
In use by: Titans but generally for Paptimus's exclusive use
Powered By: Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor
Destructive Capacity: Town level+ (matched the Zeta's beam rifle with its own, is said to produce a shot as powerful as the Hyper Mega Launcher)
Range: Mecha melee range, several dozen kilometers with Beam Rifle
Performance: Massively hypersonic+ in space, relativistic reactions (can dodge and counter beams)
Terrain: Ground, space, water
Durability: Town level (can withstand direct hits from the Qubley funnels)
Material: Gundarium Alloy
Lifting Strength: Class K
Striking Strength: Class GJ+
Notable Features: Super strength, speed, durability, various sensors, AMBAC system (allows for thruster-less maneuvering in the zero-G environment of space), the reactor releases electronics and radar jamming Minovsky Particles on a constant basis, beam weaponry, Bio-Sensor (a technological variant of the Psycommu system, its primary purpose is to allow a Newtype pilot to more easily interface with his mobile suit via mental commands), Quick Reloader (allows The O to quickly reload its beam rifle), 2 x Sub-Arm (allows The O to potentially use four weapons at once, control is aided by the Bio-Sensor),

  • 4 x Beam Saber
  • Beam Rifle

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Psychic Pressure: Scirocco can release waves of psychic energy and purposely direct them towards pilots and their Mobile Suits.

Mind Rape: Seemingly while under certain circumstances, Scirocco can leave someone in a near vegetative state by crushing their minds with his power.

Notable OBD Wins:

Notable OBD Loses:
