"You were there for me, you saved me, much like how today,you asked me out on a date and showed me how nice this world is"

Name: Tohka Yatogami | Demon King
Origin: Date A Live
Gender: Female
Classification: Former Human, Spirit | Inversed Spirit
Age: 16
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, barrier creation, energy blasts, flight, can summon a throne for transportation and carries her sword
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: City level (Casually destroyed a hill with a single sword slash, stronger than Origami with Mordred, Tohka is one of the most powerful spirits in her verse and most of them are compared to nukes) | City level+ (cleaved through a good chunk of Tenguu City and several mountains along the way with Paverschlev) | TBA
Range: Melee, several meters with energy blasts, several kilometers with Halvanhelev | SameTBA
Speed: Hypersonic (blized Origami from over a hundred meters and got in her face before she could even react) | Hypersonic+ | TBA
Durability: City level | City levelTBA
Lifting Strength: Superhuman
Striking Strength: 
Class GJ, Class TJ+ with Halvanhelev | Same | TBA
Stamina: Nearly limitless as long she has mana
Standard Equipment: Her Angel: Sandalphon wich takes the form of a throne and a greatsword, Astral Dress: Adonai Melek | Demon King: Nehemah, unnamed Astral Dress
Intelligence: Not high in every day matters, still a skilled combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

- Halvanhelev: Tohka cuts the Throne of Sandalphon in half and transfroms he sword into a massive Zanbatou-like sword drastically increasing the destructive power.

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- Parverschlev: Same as Halvanhelev, but stronger

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Notable OBD Victories: 

Notable OBD Losses: 


File:DAL v7 16-17.jpg

Inversed Tohka

Full form from the Mayuri Judgement Movie

Key: Spirit | Inversed | Full Form (Movie)