Ignore the nun, Ouma is the badass guy in the suit.
Ignore the nun, Ouma is the badass guy in the suit.

Name: Yamisaka Ouma
Origin: Toaru Majutsu no Index
Gender: Male
Classification: Human/Mage
Age: In his 20's
Powers and Abilities: Wind manipulation, invisibility, super durability, magic, flight, forcefield creation, mind reading
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Building level
Range: A few hundred meters
Speed: Faster than the eye (disappeared from Touma's sight)
Durability: Superhuman
Strength: likely at least peak human
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: A magical crossbow which amplifies his spells.
Intelligence: Above average human
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Fuuma no Gen (Wind Demon's Bow String): Uses the bow to create a ball of wind, which is then used to fly

- Shouda no Den (Piercing Bullet's Bow String): Uses the bow to create a ball of wind, which is then used to blast through objects.

- Souma no Gen (Seeking Demon's Bow String): Emits a radar to track down a target.

- Danma no Gen (Severing Demon's Bow String): Uses the bow to fire a high-pressure blast of wind.

- Touma no Gen (Invisible Demon's Bow String): Turns the user and those he wishes invisible.

- Wakuma no Gen ( Confusing Demons's Bow String) : Interferes with the perception and memories of the target and can allow the user to impersonate someone .

- Bon Dori (Lantern Festival): By setting up a barrier, he can amplify his bow's power to read minds. However, this works both ways, so his target can read his mind as well.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
