Anime/Manga supermodel chick number #89796777800000999, she just has wings too

Name: Michael
Origin: Bastard!!
Gender: Female
Classification: Archangel, Seraph
Age: Hundreds of thousands of years old, more likely several million years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, agility, stamina, flight, Dispel Bound and Eternal Atom user, can paralyze weaker opponents with a gaze, magic, regeneration (low-godly), soul manipulation, fire manipulation
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: At least planet level+ physically (Weaker seraphs can pulverize planets), large star level+ with the Divine Flame Sword Leviathan (Described as hitting with the force of a supernova), also being the strongest Seraph
Range: At least one stellar circumference
Speed: Massively FTL (quantifiably about 7,000 times)
Durability: Small galaxy level+ (tanked the destruction of the Black Abyss at 5 million solar masses with no issue)
Lifting Strength: Class 100 via powerscaling
Striking Strength: Class XJ+
Stamina: Very large, able to exchange millions of blows per second at FTL speed
Standard Equipment: Divine Flame Sword Levertine
Intelligence: Hundreds of millennia of experience as an Archangel. Skilled warrior and magic user.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Victory Rainbow Rising: An attack similar to Dark Schneider's Judas Priest. Destroys the Eternal Atoms of the target, erasing it from existence.

- Royal Hunt: A more powerful version of Exodus, Michael's spiritual energy renders humans and low level demons unable to move then she throws herself towards her opponents and incinerates them.

- God Hard: A fire dragon is materialized around Michael and attacks her opponent. It's her most powerful attack and is said to be as strong as the explosion of a Supernova.

Notable OBD Victories:


Notable OBD Losses:


Other: Not to be confused with the similarly - named character from DC/Vertigo Comics, or any other similarly-named characters.