The Infinity Gauntlet
The Infinity Gauntlet

Name: The Infinity Gauntlet
Origin: Marvel Comics
Type: Gauntlet with 6 gems inserted
Powers and Abilities: Grants the user nigh-omnipotent reality warping powers on a multiversal level. The Mind Gem allows the user access to all of the thoughts of every mind that has ever existed and telepathic powers on a multiversal scale. The Soul Gem grants the user control over all the souls that have ever existed. The Space Gem grants the user control over all of space, distance, and dimensions. The Time Gem grants the user control over time itself. The Power Gem grants the user control over all the power that exists, ever existed, or ever will exist. The Reality Gem is the linchpin of the whole thing, and allows the user control of all reality, allowing them to decide what is real and what is not.
Destructive Capacity: Multiverse level+
Wielder(s): Thanos, Nebula, Adam Warlock, Reed Richards, Rune, The Illuminati, several others
Material or Element: Unknown
Needed Prerequisite for Use: None. The Infinity Gauntlet automatically allows the user to understand how to use it competently
Notable Attacks/Techniques or Alternate Forms:

- Time Gem: Time travel; stop, slow down, or speed up flow of time; accelerate or slow down aging, see into past/future.

- Space Gem: Travel through space, mostly through teleportation. Able to interfere with the motion of other objects.

- Soul Gem: Observe, attack, or even steal a being's soul. Also used to revert individuals to their natural state.

- Reality Gem: Alters reality; similar to the effects of a Cosmic Cube, but much higher.

- Power Gem: Increased strength and durability, duplicates virtually any known superhuman ability, energy manipulation.

- Mind Gem: Near-limitless psionic abilities including telepathy and telekinesis.

Other: This profile only covers the 616 Infinity Gauntlet, not any of the versions from alternate universes, which are not as powerful (but still quite formidable).