It's only logical for Spock to have a profile here.


Name: Spock (the remainder of his name is apparently unpronouncable to humans)
Origin: Star Trek (TOS, Movies 1-6, TNG, reboot movies)
Gender: Male
Classification: Human/Vulcan Hybrid, Starfleet member, Science and First Officer of the Starship Enterprise
Age: At least a thousand years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed and durability, skilled shot and HtH combatant,alien physiology makes him immune/resistant to some things humans are susceptible, has a second eyelid to protect him against blinding light, can live without his brain for 24 hours, has a degree of telepathic abilities, can resist mental attacks or fake his own memories, able to meld his mind with other creatures (even robots and non-corporeals), his consciousness can leave his body and possess people
Weaknesses: His Vulcan physiology and customs sometimes also give issues to Spock
Destructive Capacity: Wall level+ in melee, large building level via his phaser
Range: Human melee range, hundreds of meters via his phaser
Speed: Superhuman, massively FTL reactions and close combat speed (on par with Kirk)
Durability: Building level (survived a lightning bolt which can otherwise vaporize people without a trace)
Lifting Strength: Class 5
Striking Strength: Class MJ (during his duel with Kirk he broke a thick metal "gong" in half and could snap metal blades with relative ease)
Stamina: Large
Standard Equipment: Sub-space communicator, tricorder, hand phaser (either Type 1 or Type 2)
Intelligence: Genius. Spock is the science officer of the Enterprie and knowledgable in almost everything availible to the Federation in the 23rd cenutry.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Vulcan Nerve Pinch: Spock has a detailed knowledge of anatomy. He can use the bio-energy radiated by his fingertips applied to a precise nervous area to temporally paralyze and knock out people. Seemingly all it takes for Spock to lazily touch the right shoulder of someone for this to take effect.

- Vulcan Mind Meld: Vulcan are born telepaths. Due to their philosophy and rigorious training Vulcans never spy on the thoughts of other people unless they have an explicit reason for it. During such times they can meld their mind to experience the memories and thoughts of people. For better effectiveness this usually needs physical contact but Spock occasionally shown to do this without it. By giving various suggestions Spock can also influence the minds of people, albeit this process is slow thus can only be used when Spock can concentrate for long without interruptions. Regardless in TNG S3EP23 Sarek could accidentally influence the minds of the 1040 crew members which would imply Spock can do at least the same.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: This profile is based on Spock played by Leonard Nimoy. With the exception of ENT Spock had the misfortune to be a present character in every continuity of Star Trek. One can only guess his reaction about all those retcons over the decades.