Maimakterion's true form

        Maimakterion's true form

Name: Maimakterion
Origin: Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer
Gender: Male
Classification: Golem
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, shapeshifting, flight
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: City block level+
Range: Extended melee range
Speed: Subsonic+ (likely much faster since even the weakest of the golems was already at this speed)
Durability: At least multi city block level+, likely much higher (tanked a direct attack from mid-series Samidare with no injuries at all, early series Samidare could destroy part of a mountain with a single punch and she got much stronger by the time she attacked Maimakterion)
Lifting Strength: At least class K+
Striking Strength: Class GJ+
Stamina: Immense (Golems are stated many times to have near-endless stamina)
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: The most intelligent of the Golems, skilled fighter and knows how to make use of his powers in a very effective way


Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Shapeshifting: Maimakterion's main ability, it allows him to reshape any part of his body or even alter his shape, he uses this ability to transform his body into large arms, a magical girl, a superhero and more to amp his stats as the fight requires it.


Notable OBD Victories:


Notable OBD Losses:



Maimakterion's human form
Maimakterion's human form

Maimakterion as Inkoman... yeah that is awesome
Maimakterion as Inkoman... yeah that is awesome

Maimakterion as Magical girl Mary
Maimakterion as Magical girl Mary