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Name: Firelord/Pyreus Kril
Origin: Marvel Comics
Gender: Male
Classification: Starship Captain, Alien (Xandarian) /Herald of a Cosmic Being
Age: Unknown, likely at least 100 years
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, super speed, flight, thermal energy generation and manipulation, plasma manipulation, can absorb heat and fire, immune to most heat-based attacks, cosmic awareness, energy manipulation, telepathy, immortality (type 1), matter manipulation, can travel into hyperspace, teleportation, can withstand high temperatures, and several others
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: At least star level+ (a newbie Nova could casually starbust)
Range: Several planetary diameters at least
Speed: Massively FTL+
Durability: At least star level+
Lifting Strength: Likely at least Class Y+
Striking Strength: Likely at least Class XGJ+
Stamina: Incredibly high, only tires when fighting powerful opponents
Standard Equipment: Bo Staff, used to channel his cosmic powers
Intelligence: Trained in combat at the Nova Corps, is a Herald of Galactus, and has much experience fighting various kinds of enemies
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Cosmic Flames: Fire Lord can fire giant bursts of Cosmic Flames that can span hundreds of miles and reach 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Notable OBD Ties:

- Firestorm (DC Comics) - Firestorm Profile

Other: Not to be confused with the character with the same name from Avatar: The Last Airbender.