Donkey Kong OBD
The King of Kongs


Name: Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong III, DK
Origin: Donkey Kong series, Mario Bros
Gender: Male
Classification: Ape-like species named Kong
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, can create destructive sound waves through claps, can use bongos as weapons, proficiency with guns and grenades, flight with certain items, resistance to mind control, can summon various animals, materialization (can create missiles out of nowhere and has an unlimited supply of barrels)
Weaknesses: None notable
Destructive Capacity: At least country level (his Giant Punch can accelerate a miniature moon out of orbit), has up to moon level showings (is a Power Type like Wario)
Range: Average human melee, can extend to a few dozen meters with Thunderclap
Speed: Massively hypersonic+ reactions (comparable to Mario)
Durability: At least country level, has up to moon level showings
Lifting Strength: At least Class G (comparable to Mario)
Striking Strength: Class ZJ, has up to Class NJ+ showings
Stamina: Vastly superhuman
Standard Equipment: Various barrels, The Coconut Cannon (a wooden gun that shoots coconuts at high speed), Bongos (can hurt all the enemies in an area with sound waves), Orange grenades (grenades that resemble oranges),
Intelligence: Despite being laidback, he can be surprisingly intelligent as he is easily capable of replicating human skills such as professional athletics, utilizing a range of weapons and even has a sense of common sense when it comes to morality
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Giant punch: Charges then releases a very powerful punch which can move mountain sized moons

- Thunderclap: See the article on it.

- Ground pound: DK creates an earthquake by slapping the ground.

- Strong Kong: DK jumps into a DK's Kong Barrel and turns invincible for a few seconds.

- Simian Slam: Jumps into the air and comes crashing down on his back side. It has stronger variants in the Super Simian Slam and Super Duper Simian Slam

- Spinning Kong: Whirls around like a helicopter, good for moving horizontal distances.

Notable OBD Victories:

- King Kong (King Kong) - King Kong Profile

Notable OBD Losses:

Notable OBD Draws:


Respect thread