Believe me, those little cute stars are very dangerous
Believe me, those little cute stars are very dangerous

Name: The Lumas/The Stars
Origin: Mario Bros
Gender: N/A
Classification: Cosmic beings/Abstract beings (they are the embodiment of all life and matter)
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super speed, flight & levitation, gravity manipulation, can control the prankster comets (which can have several strange effects on galaxies such as creating duplication of their opponent) and various astral objects, can paralyze their opponent, can turn into power stars (which grant sealing power, dimensional creation and several others), shapeshifting, matter manipulation/creation, can turn into various astral objects such as planets, stars and even entire galaxies, can be reborn into new Lumas if killed, can recreate the universe when they are together, and several others
Weaknesses: Bowser can neutralize their baby form and can control their mature form, can die without the Grand Stars or Star Bits, they seem unable to attack when they are in their mature form, seem to be overruled by a mysterious "Force/Gentle Pull"
Destructive Capacity: Small planet level+ to galaxy level+ when they are alone, universe level when they are together
Range: Galactic when they are alone | Universal when they are together
Speed: Massively FTL
Durability: Unknown but the fact that they can be reborn after their death into others Lumas even when the universe was recreated make them very difficult to kill
Strength: Striking force of class 100
Stamina: Superhuman but can eventually run out if they don't eat star bits for a long time.
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Depending of the Lumas; the older ones have an extensive knowledge of the universe while the younger ones are immature.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- TRANS-FORM!!: The Lumas transform into various objects including planetoids, stars and galaxies (note: they can still move during the transformation)

- Universe Recreating: The Lumas throw themselves into a single place, causing it to disintegrate and explode into a new big bang which recreates the universe (this move was strong enough to overpower a universe busting black hole)

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

- The baby form of the Lumas os the one shown in the pic above and their mature forms are the astral objects of the universe.

- Here is a showing of their power:

At 2:41