Make out with her if you wish to end up a pile of gore
Make out with her if you wish to end up a pile of gore

Name: Mileena
Origin: Mortal Kombat
Gender: Female
Classification: Half Tarkatan/Half Edenian Clone of Kitana
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, expert martial artist, teleportation
Weaknesses: She's hideous
Destructive Capacity: Street level+, possibly higher
Range: Several meters with projectiles
Speed: Superhuman, possibly higher
Durability: Superhuman
Lifting Strength: Class 1
Striking Strength: Superhuman 
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Her sai
Intelligence: Above average; skilled combatant
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Soaring Sai: Throws two sais, charged with purple energy, at her opponent

- Kick From Above: Teleports and quickly hits her opponent from above with a jump kick

- Rolling Thunder: Tucks into a ball and rolls toward her opponent knocking them off of their feet

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
