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Name: Mephismon (Dub: Mephistomon)
Orgin: Digimon Tamers: The Battle of the Adventurers
Age: Unknown
Powers and abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, Black/Dark Magic, flight, can survive in space, traverses space-time, capable of making his own dimensions that are modeled in his image, capable of creating viruses that eat away data (and lets the lesser Digimon who can't cross dimensions to travel to the Real World, so they can destroy it), shapeshifting, can absorb data, can become more powerful by absorbing data, data manipulation, darkness manipulation, etc.
Weaknesses: Seems to lack destructive attacks
Destructive capacity: At least city block level+ (likely higher)
Range: Likely a few kilometers
Speed: Likely at least hypersonic+ (was able to dodge attacks from Omegamon)
Durability: City level+
Lifting Strength: Likely Class M
Striking Strength: Class GJ+, likely higher
Stamina: High; never shown to tire or get winded
Standard equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: He is cunning and creates strategies with the high intelligence he has, can create programs that messes up Earth's electronic communications, which allows Digimon to enter the Real World, Master of Black/Dark Magic, etc
Notable attacks/techniques:

- Death Cloud:The skill which generates the cloud of darkness, which corrodes everything.

- Black Sabbath: Is a dark incantation in which it prays for a festival of death. Those who hear this spell will soon die.

Notable OBD Victories

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Mephismon is a Dark Animal Digimon born from the remains of Apocalymon. His name is derived from Mephistopheles, a name for the Devil in the story of Faust and Ghost Rider, and his design is apparently derived from Baphomet. His name origin is shared with Phelesmon.
