Turn A Gundam


Name: SYSTEM ∀-99 (WD-M01) ∀ Gundam
Serial Number: WD-M01
Pilot: Loran Cehack
Origin: Turn A Gundam
Powerplant: DHGCP type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 27000 kW (+/-5000 kW)
Destructive Capacity: Life wiper
Durability: At least country level
Material: FE type
Performance: Massively hypersonic
Terrain: Air and ground
Needed Prerequisite for Use: None
Fixed armaments: 6 x chest multi-purpose silo (missile); beam rifle, power rating unknown, stored on back, hand-carried in use; 2 x beam saber, mounted on shoulders, hand-carried in use; shield, stored on back, attached to left arm in use; 2 x abdomen beam cannon
Optional hand armaments: Gundam hammer; Minchi drill
Notable Features: I-field Beam Drive System, black hole engine, I field barrier capable of stopping physical weaponry, can stop colony lasers, Mid - high regeneration (both Gundam and pilot), teleportation, can teleport attacks directly into the enemy's cockpit.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Moonlight Butterfly: The Turn A Gundam releases countless nanomachines that spread out and turn all technology to dust. Its range at full power is from the Earth to Jupiter.

Other: Several of Turn A's functions were inoperable or malfunctioning during the series itself.