
Name: Qubeley
Serial Number: AMX-004
Origin: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Classification: Prototype Newtype-use Mobile Suit
Height: 18.9 meters (overrall height), 18.4 meters (head height)
Mass: 35.2 metric tons (empty, 57.2 tons maximum, realistically the machine’s weight should be closer to 5-10 times this)
Pilot: Haman Karn
Needed Prerequisite for Use: To make use of its Psycommu System, the pilot must be a Newtype
In use by: Neo Zeon
Powered By: Minovsky Ultracompact Fusion Reactor
Destructive Capacity: Town level+ with beam launcher/saber (destroys and breaks apart mobile suit sized rock formations violently, can clash and match the Zeta’s beam rifle), town level with funnels
Range: Mecha melee range, dozens of kilometers with beam launcher and funnels
Performance: Massively hypersonic+ in space, sub-relativistic reactions with Haman as its pilot (can dodge beams that are between Mach 238 to 1668)
Terrain: Space, ground, underwater
Durability: Multi city block level+, city level with Psycho Barrier (Haman was able to erect a psychic barrier that could defend against a shot from ZZ Gundam’s High Mega Cannon that was enhanced by newtype abilities of Judau, Kamille and newtype ghosts Lalah, Puru, Four, Sarah, and Katz)
Material: Gundarium Alloy
Lifting Strength: Class K
Striking Strength: Class GJ
Notable Features: Super speed, strength, durability, flight, various sensors, AMBAC system (allows for thruster-less maneuvering in the zero-G environment of space), the reactor releases electronics and radar jamming Minovsky Particles on a constant basis, beam weaponry, remote weapons, Psycommu system (receives a Newtype pilot’s thoughtwaves and translates them into computer commands, allowing the pilot to direct remote weapons by thought alone)

Standard Weaponry:

  • 2 x Beam Launcher/Saber (mounted in forearms in beam launcher mode, hand-carried in beam saber mode)
  • 10 x Funnel (stored in the tail binder, direct remote weapons mounted with beam guns)
Notable Attacks/Techniques: