The Fiend of Fire
The Fiend of Fire

Name: Marilith
Origin: Final Fantasy I
Gender: Female
Classification: Lamia/Fiend of Fire
Age: Thousands of years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, magicelemental manipulation (of the fire variety), able to induce paralysis, time manipulation (potentially requires the combined power of the other Four Fiends to be used)
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Continent level (has absorbed the powers of the Fire Crystal and is feared by the Circle of Sages at Crescent Lake of being able to raze the world with her flames)
Range: Planetary (was feared to be capable of scorching the entire planet with her fire)
Speed: Sub-relativistic (capable of fighting the Warriors of Light)
Durability: Continent level
Lifting Strength: Superhuman+
Striking Strength: Class GJ+, possibly Class EJ
Stamina: Superhuman+
Standard Equipment: 4 scimitars
Intelligence: Skilled and competent fighter
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:
