Precious little cinnamon roll


Name: Lapis Lazuli
Origin: Steven Universe
Gender: Technically genderless, female by human conventions
Classification: Gem
Age: Her exact age is unknown, but is likely at least 6000 years old
Powers and Abilities: As a gem, her unique anatomy grants her many qualities. Her body is a hard construct of light projected from her gemstone with varying mass in order adapt to any gravitational field. Gems are able to shapeshift, stretch and customize their physical forms at will.


Lapis possesses a type of immortality (type 1) and is immune to any regular kind of poison, she has regeneration (Low-High) and flight. Lapis Lazuli's main ability is her potent hydrokinesis, that allows her to manipulate massive amounts of water (all of the Earth's oceans) and form giant water constructs and even create replicas of her opponents made out of water that act much like a logia. Being a gem, she's able of performing fusion to combine her power and abilities with another gem.

Weaknesses: Her form of regeneration can take a while if she receives fatal damage and cannot regenerate damage done to her gemstone (although this is the most durable part of her body).
Destructive Capacity: Continent+ level
Range: Planet wide
Speed: MFTL
Durability: At least country+, likely continent+ level
Lifting Strength: At least class 5
Striking Strength: Class NJ
Stamina: Almost unlimited
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: For thousands of years she was trapped in a mirror and used to record a vast amount of information about gem culture an history. Other than that, she has a very strong willpower.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Hydrokinesis: She has immense power over water. She can also control ice and water vapor to a lesser degree.

Lapis Lazuli Water Hand


OG - 10


Notable OBD Victories:

Naruto Uzumaki - Naruto (Extremely high difficulty. Lapis is barely able to scratch him but her massive speed advantage and inexhaustible energy reserves grant her the win in a battle of attrition more often than not)

Notable OBD Losses: 


Other: Lapis Lazuli's gemstone

