

Name: Mundus
Origin: Devil May Cry
Gender: Male
Classification: Demon Emperor
Age: At least 2000 years old
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, flight, telekinesis, intangibility (appeared to be in a state like that in DMC3 anyway), mind manipulation (manipulated Vergil after defeating him), soul manipulation, barriers, can shoot energy blasts and needles, dimensional manipulation, reality warping, matter manipulation, can conjure up meteor storms, volcanoes, and manipulate the weather, resistance to timestop
Weaknesses: Pretty arrogant and impatient
Destructive Capacity: At least continent level+ (created a massive dimension and is stronger than Abigail)
Range: Thousands of kilometers
Speed: Sub-relativistic+
Durability: At least continent level+
Lifting Strength: Class G+
Striking Strength: At least Class YJ+ (able to smack around Sparda Devil Trigger Dante)
Stamina: Seemingly limitless
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Able to rule hell for god knows how long
Notable attacks/techniques:

- Reality Warping: Able to create Trish out of nothing, changed his and Dante's surroundings into a space - like area.

Notable OBD Victories:

Boros (OnePunch-Man) - Boros Profile

Notable OBD Losses:
