Israfel Neon Genesis OBD
If there was a reward for looking retarded this guy would win first prize

Name: Israfel
Origin: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Gender: Male
Classification: Angel
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, durability, able to swim and walk on water, and split into two entities and then reform whenever he wishes, regeneration (mid-low), anti-terror forcefield
Weaknesses: If the two S2 Engines on its torso are penetrated, Israfel will die in a massive explosion.
Destructive Capacity: Large building+
Speed: Several hundred km/h via powerscaling
Durability: Multi city block level+ (Its core of his body makes it hard to kill)
Strength: Unknown
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Claws: Israfel has incredibly sharp claws which can cleave through solid steel with ease.

- Energy Beams: Israfel can fire energy beams from his eyes, these are average in strength and can destroy a building in one hit.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Inconclusive OBD Matches:


- Angels info