The ultimate non canon mecha

Name: Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Origin: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann movies (non - canon to the original anime)
Gender: N/A
Classification: Manifestation of Spiral Energy
Age: A few minutes
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, can generate and project spiral energy, can also generate weapons (such as drills), can break through space-time (scaling from its previous forms), reality warping, probability manipulation
Weaknesses: If the pilots are killed, it ceases to exist
Destructive Capacity: At least multiverse level+ (scales to the Anti-Spirals that casually created and maintained an infinite multiversal labyrinth, and it is also far stronger than Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
Range: At least multiversal
Speed: Massively FTL+ (much faster than Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann's movie version, TTGL has a feat calc'd at 26 quadrillion times faster than light)
Durability: At least multiverse level+ (far more durable than Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann; also forced the Anti-Spiral to use more power against it)
Lifting Strength: At least Universe Class+
Striking Strength: Immeasurable (destroyed the Super Spiral Dimension when it clashed with the Anti-Spiral)
Stamina: Tied to the willpower of the pilots, so incredibly high
Standard Equipment: Has Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann on its head, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has all the previous forms of Gurren Lagann
Intelligence: However intelligent the pilots are
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Chou Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Breaker: Creates a spiral drill bigger than itself and uses it like Gurren Lagann might.

Notable OBD Victories:

- Elder God Demonbane (Demonbane)
- Goku Black and Future Zamasu (Dragon Ball) - Goku Black Profile, Zamasu Profile (it can easily solo the entire verse)

Notable OBD Losses:

- Dream of the Endless (DC/Vertigo Comics) - Dream of the Endless Profile
- Galactus (Marvel Comics) - Galactus Profile
- Infinite Man (DC Comics)
- Demi-Fiend (Shin Megami Tensei) - Demi-Fiend Profile

Other: This mecha is non-canon to the original story line.