The Goddess of Makai

Name: Shinki
Origin: Touhou
Gender: Female
Classification: Goddess
Age: Unknown
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, endurance, flight, magic, reality warping, energy manipulation, limited conceptual manipulation (all gods can give "names" to things, giving them a concept of their own, and a defined border. They can also modify their own concept/name.), dimensional creation, travel and manipulation, non-corporeal and duplication (the true form of a God exists as an idea, and a god can spread and manifest itself in any amount of physical bodies, each with equal power), resistance to conceptual manipulation (gods precede concepts and thus do not need one to exist), Immortality (Types 1 and 4), bypass intangibility, resistance to mind manipulation
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive Capacity: Galaxy level (created Makai which contains a sun, constellations and even a spiral galaxy arm), potentially higher (Makai is described as being a"infinite area" by Murasa although details on its creation are unclear)
Range: Several hundred thousands of light-years, Cross-Dimensional
Speed: MFTL+
Durability: Galaxy level
Lifting Strength: At least Stellar (stronger than oni)
Striking Strength: At least Class XZJ
Stamina: High
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Unknown
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:


夢子ちゃんは私がつくった 中では、最強クラスだった のに・・・ それを倒してくるなんて。 あなたもまんざらじゃない のね。
Out of everything I've created, Yumeko was of the highest caliber... To have defeated her, you're not just a nobody.

さっきから、私が造ったと かとか言ってるけど、神に でもなったつもりなの?
You keep saying you "created" things. Do you think you're a god or something?

申し遅れましたね。 そうよ、私が神よ。 この魔界は私が創ったの。
Oh, please pardon my late introduction. That is correct - I am a god. This world of Makai is my creation.

Hokkai tucked away

Hokkai tucked away "in a corner" of Makai as stated by Murasa, you can clearly see the sun in the background


Makai, you can clearly see the stars in the background

Makai, you can clearly see the stars in the background