"The moon can drive people mad. So can you really beat me, the rabbit whose eyes contain the moon's power?"

Name: Reisen Udongein Inaba, Udonge
Origin: Touhou
Gender: Female
Classification: Moon Rabbit, Kaguya's pet and attendant, Eirin's student
Age: At least 40 years old
Powers and abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, stamina, endurance, flight, mind manipulation (eye contact with her alone can cause disorientation and even insanity, can reduce minds into a potato-like state) and resistance against it, illusions (can make these illusions real and these can damage the enemy), can shoot bullets of spiritual energy from her hands, her powers are controlling "waves" and that means everything that constitutes waves including, electromagnetic waves, brain waves (including emotions and the mood and state of mind of her enemy), light waves, sound waves, etc can make herself invisible, undetectable by radar, ability to see through illusions and can shoot lasers from her eyes as well, telepathy (although it only works with other moon rabbits), precognition and resurrection with the Ultramarine Orb Elixir (removes the user's impurity of death and allows them to see the immediate future by experiencing it, and then reversing time), bypass intangibility
Weaknesses: Nothing notable
Destructive capacity: Large star level+ (on par with Sanae at least)
Range: A few kilometers (can affect the whole Bamboo Forest of the Lost with an optical illusion) and cross dimensional (Spread Sign "Moon of Truth (Invisible Full Moon)" confirms her illusions can affect from another dimension), telepathy with Moon Rabbits works across thousands of kilometers (from the Earth to the Moon)
Speed: MFTL+
Durability: Large star level+
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (stronger than Cirno)
Striking Strength: Class XTJ+
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Above average, current disciple of Eirin
Notable attacks/techniques:

- Manipulation of insanity: Reisen has the ability to sense and manipulate waves of all kinds, localised in her "Lunatic Red Eyes". Her signature use of this ability is manipulating brain waves through eye contact, allowing her to induce madness or hallucinations depending on the strength of her opponent's will. She can also manipulate light and sound waves to deceive the senses indirectly, from concealing the paths of her danmaku, to creating afterimages of herself, to casting wide-area illusions that cause people to get lost. Finally, in Scarlet Weather Rhapsody she has been shown to fire waves from her eyes as a destructive beam. Reisen is immune to the abilities of the Three Fairies of Light (seeing an invisible Sunny Milk, hearing a silent Luna Child, and escaping detection) since they are based on waves, though she is unable to replicate Star Sapphire's abilities with her own.

- Moon rabbit abilities: Moon rabbits can send "ESP waves" and receive them with their ears, forming a sort of psychic network where they share feelings and rumors. Reisen can still participate in this network despite the physical and spiritual distance between Gensokyo and the Moon. Reisen has been depicted transmitting ESP waves from her eyes, but it is unknown whether this is the usual method or an example of her general wave manipulation abilities (or indeed, if her wave manipulation is just an advanced form of this ability).

- Mind Explosion: Fires rocket-shaped bullets that release spiritual energy on impact. The bullets are low-speed, but the exploding effect makes them useful in barrages.

- Illusionary Blast: Attacks with the insanity wavelength directly ahead. Since it's much like a so-called laser attack, it has high penetration ability.

- Ultrared Field: Places a wavelength conversion field around her. Anyone who enters it has their vision disturbed and will be unable to hit with projectiles.

- Disbelief Aspect: Projects an illusion on a different wavelength. The illusion attacks differently depending on your inputs. Since the illusion moves like her, it has a sort of deceptive effect.

- Mind Bending: Fires shots over a wide range. They're fast and easy to hit with, but there are inconsistencies in its power.

- Eye sight Cleaning: Marks an area in her line of vision that expands. If the enemy is in that area when you let go, they will be momentarily seized by a glance of madness.

- Ultraviolet Field: Releases a wavelength that disturbs the enemy's consciousness. They'll see things that aren't there. However, virtual bullets have real effects.

- Disorder Eye: Sends several clone images around. The spread-out dummies then regroup where they split off while damaging the enemy.

- Mind Dropping: Fires a bullet into the air, which turns around and falls to earth.

- Ripple Vision: Fires a ring-shaped eye beam. The beam expands over time, so avoiding at a distance is difficult.

- Under Sense break: An eye wave that deals damage at close range. Useful as a simple attack or defense, and easy to use in direct combat.

- Beguiling Look "Disjointed Circular Corolla (Corolla Vision)": Enormous rings proportional to distance. Cheap, but wide-range. Easy to use carelessly as fake-outs and such.

- Illusion Bomb "Myopic Firework (Mind Starmine)": A sniping spell card that fires spiritual explosions in every direction. The bullets explode on delay, pinning down every direction at once.

- Fascination "Corolla Glance (Crown Vision)": A spell that releases rings that get larger as they get farther out at high speed.

- "Stare of the Gloomy Phantom Moon (Lunatic Red Eyes)": Releases swirls of light at a wavelength that forces the opponent into madness. It has extensive range and power, with setup time to match.

- Weak Heart "Lost Heart and Will (Demotivation)": Bathes the opponent with eye beams of lunacy at point-blank range and induces shock.

- Lost Heart "Scars of Stupor (Discarder)": Fires bullets that cause spiritual damage. Destroys two cards if it hits. Doesn't deal much damage considering its cost, but its high cost pays for its accuracy and the power that it does have.

- Poison Smokescreen "Gas-Woven Orb : A drug that reacts with air and becomes gas. Since the gas is heavier than air, it sticks to the ground and sucks life out of opponents. Reisen herself has taken the antidote already.

- Life Elixir "Grand Patriot's Elixir": Takes a dose of the Eirin Brand enhancer. Attack and defense power increase with each dose. Something happens if you take too much, but nobody told Reisen about that.

Notable OBD Victories:

- Itachi (Naruto)

Notable OBD Losses: