

Name: Setsuna
Origin: Needless
Gender: Female
Classification: Needless
Age: 18
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, speed, durability, endurance, agility, expert in hand to hand combat, her fragment is ''Speed'' which allows her to move extremely fast (can move at select speeds of Mach 2, 3 and 9)
Weaknesses: She can lose her patience easily, can also only use her speed in straight lines, her punches are also fairly weak
Destructive Capacity: Building level+
Range: Average human melee range
Speed: Hypersonic (Mach 9 specifically when using her Dean Drive Rocket Sled technique)
Durability: Building level+ (able to survive an onslaught from Blade)
Lifting Strength: Average human
Striking Strength: Class K
Stamina: Superhuman
Standard Equipment: Nothing notable
Intelligence: Average human, she is however fairly tricky and has some leadership qualities as she appears to be the leader of The Simeon Girl Force
Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Dean Drive Fox Hound: A barrage of attacks made at Mach 2, and the most used move, can also be used for short distance movement.

Dean Drive Black Bird: A barrage of attacks made at Mach 3, can also be used for short distance movement.

Dean Drive Rocket Sled: A barrage of attacks made at Mach 9, supposedly Setsuna's most powerful move, can also be used for short distance movement.

Notable OBD Victories:

Notable OBD Losses:

Other: Not to be confused with characters of the same name from Gundam 00 and Negima. The profile covers the manga version of Setsuna.